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What Is Distance Education In Pakistan

Distance education has experienced incredible and phenomenal growth around the world in the past few decades. Distance education is getting rapidly popularity all over the world. Distance education literate millions of people around the world in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Distance education allows the person to study physically separated from the particular institution at which person is enrolled. Moreover, person can get distance education anywhere and at any time in the world.

What Is Distance Education In Pakistan

What Is Distance Education In Pakistan

In distance education, there is limited quantity of scheduled and regular classroom tutorials and in general these classes are not compulsory for students. Moreover, person can complete their various courses without having to set foot in the particular institution. Distance education has been easier and convenient for every person in these recent years through the development and growth of communication technologies. Every person knows that there are many advantages or strengths of distance education. It allows the person to get much more freedom in various aspects such as:

What is Distance Learning

  1. Timing: person can study whenever he/she likes.
  2. Place: person can study whatever he/she wish.
  3. Duration: person can study for as long as he/she like.
  4. Pace: person can study as quickly or slowly as he/she wish.

Moreover, person studying various distance education materials like on a bus and train. Now the question arises that whether people face any type of difficulties in a studying at a distance education? In the past, various communication problems have been existed but with the advancement of technology these problems have been eliminated. Person should remember as a distance learner that he/she will need higher levels of self-organization and self-motivation. Distance education demands from a person more independent and self directed. In case of distance education, it’s the responsibility and duty of person to meet the deadlines in order to meet the requirements of various courses. If person fall behind, it is very difficult to catch so person should be prepared to be self-organized and self-disciplined in his/her studies. The main and important advantage of distance education is that person can save time by selecting the option of distance education.

On the whole after discussing the importance and significance of distance education it is easy to conclude that it is getting rapidly popularity all over the world. every type of education has its importance like primary education, distance education, professional education or primary education.

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