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1857 to 1947 History of Pakistan MCQs

You will be able to get the 1857 to 1947 History of Pakistan MCQs with Answers here. If you are going to attempt PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, NTS, OTS, or any other job test, then the History of Pakistan is one of the most important. Therefore, you have to prepare it well. The topics like the aftermath of the War of Independence, the Urdu-Hindi controversy, the two-nation theory, Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan, Congress, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslim League, Khilafat Movement, Division of Bengal, Civil disobedience, Lahore Resolution, and Independence of Pakistan are very important. Thus, you must have a good grip on each of these topics. These MCQs will help you a lot. Scroll down and attempt the quiz given below.

1857 to 1947 History of Pakistan MCQs


1857 to 1947 History of Pakistan MCQs

1 / 40

1. Who was the first President of the Pakistan Muslim League?

2 / 40

2. Why Muslim League opposed the Cripps’ Plan?

3 / 40

3. When Gandhi called off Non-cooperation Movement?

4 / 40

4. MAO College was inaugurated by:

5 / 40

5. Who was called the “True Ambassador of Hindi-Muslim Unity”?

6 / 40

6. Who was the first president of the All India Muslim League?

7 / 40

7. Who lead the Simla Deputation?

8 / 40

8. Who published the magazine Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq:

9 / 40

9. In which incidence 22 police men had been shut up in a house and burnt alive by a frenzied mob?

10 / 40

10. The Hind-Urdu Controversy began in which year in Banaras?

11 / 40

11. Who was the chairman of Boundary Commissions?

12 / 40

12. Who was A.O. Hume?

13 / 40

13. Who was the Chairman of first session of All India Muslim League?

14 / 40

14. Who appointed first secretary of the board of trustees of Aligarh College>

15 / 40

15. In the elections of 1945-45 out of total Muslim seats of 119, how many seats did Bengal Muslim League won?

16 / 40

16. The Government of India Act of 1919 was mainly based on:

17 / 40

17. The Pakistan Resolution was moved on:

18 / 40

18. Who started the Scientific Society on July 9, 1864?

19 / 40

19. Who ordered the firing of Jallianwala Bagh?

20 / 40

20. The Indian National Congress was founded on the initiative of

21 / 40

21. Who took oath from Governor-General Quaid-e-Azam?

22 / 40

22. Who was the major Muslim Leader who strongly opposed non-cooperation programme?

23 / 40

23. When Urdu Defence Association was founded?

24 / 40

24. When Pakistan Resolution was presented in 1940, who supported the same in a very effective way/manner?

25 / 40

25. When Arya Samaj was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?

26 / 40

26. Syed Ameer Ali established Muslim League in London in:

27 / 40

27. Where laid the foundation of All India Muslim League?

28 / 40

28. How many Muslim leaders were included in the Simla Deputation?

29 / 40

29. Khilafat Day was observed in the Sub-continent on:

30 / 40

30. Name the leader who supported Pakistan’s Resolution from UP:

31 / 40

31. Who divided Bengal into two provinces?

32 / 40

32. When did the Muslim League decide to accept Cabinet Mission Plan?

33 / 40

33. The committee which submitted its report in 1928 was headed by:

34 / 40

34. Mrs. Annie Besant was a very active member of Theosophical Society in India. She belonged to which Country?

35 / 40

35. Who was the last Viceroy of India?

36 / 40

36. The Chief Architect of “Lucknow Pact” was:

37 / 40

37. The demand of separate electorate was incorporated in:

38 / 40

38. ________authorized the government to imprison a person without trial and conviction?

39 / 40

39. Muslims celebrated “Victory Day” on:

40 / 40

40. Who was the initiator and founder of Faryazi Movement?

Your score is


You may have a question about why this history is before 1947. So, in addition to the history after 1947, the history before 1947 is also important. The main reason is that history is very much important. The crucial movements were started then. The Mughal Empire fell before the start of the 19th century. After the end of the War of Independence, Muslims started their struggle get their own land because according to the two-nation theory by Sir Sayed, Muslims and Hindus can’t survive together. So. the History of Pakistan from 1857 to 1947 MCQs are very important.

Muslims didn’t achieve independence easily. They sacrificed themselves and did so much struggle to get this land. In conclusion, it is very important to know the real struggle behind getting Pakistan. The main reason is so that every Pakistani should know how important this land is to us and that’s why it is our responsibility to never betray our homeland. Hopefully, you got the important 1857 to 1947 History of Pakistan MCQs with answers here.

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