
1st Year Chemistry Chapter 2 States of Matter MCQs

If you are searching for 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 2 States of Matter MCQs with Answers then this is the place where you find it. For the entry test preparation, this will help you a lot. There are four states of matter that are Solid, Liquid, Gas, and plasma. For gas, there is an important Theory of Gases and then Clausius Kinetic Energy Equation followed by Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law, and Avogadro’s Law. For liquid, the important concept of Evaporation, Vapor Pressure, and Boiling Point is discussed. There are different structures of iodine, diamond, and ice are given. You can solve the quiz given below and through this, you can prepare well for the entrance test.

1st Year Chemistry Chapter 2 States of Matter MCQs with Answers


Chemistry Chapter 2

1 / 20

Vapour pressure of water at 100oC is:

2 / 20

DNA has two spiral chains. They are linked through Hydrogen bonding which is dominant between

3 / 20

A substance that possesses characteristically low vapor pressure can be expected to have

4 / 20

A sample of 5.0g of which substance is held together by dipole-dipole forces

5 / 20

Which liquid has minimum vapor pressure?

6 / 20

With the increase of carbon atoms in a class of organic compounds, which property decreases?

7 / 20

Which of the following is incorrect about evaporation?

8 / 20

The boiling point of propanone is greater than propane. This is because

9 / 20

Which of the following molecules has a minimum boiling point?

10 / 20

Which of the following is the weakest force?

11 / 20

Under what conditions do real gases deviate from the ideal behavior:

12 / 20

Which one has the lowest density at room temperature?

13 / 20

At constant temperature, the pressure of an ideal gas is doubled, and its density becomes:

14 / 20

The kinetic molecular theory of gases was put forward in 1873 by:

15 / 20

A gas will approach ideal behavior at

16 / 20

The main cause of deviation of real gases form ideal behavior is

17 / 20

The value of universal gas constant R depends on

18 / 20

If the absolute temperature of a gas is reduced to ½ and pressure is doubled, the volume of gas will

19 / 20

The pressure of air that can support a 760mm Hg column at sea level is called

20 / 20

With the increase of temperature from T1 to T2, the isotherm moves away from the axis. This is because of

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