
1st Year Chemistry Chapter 3 Atomic Structure MCQs

For entrance test preparation, here you will find 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 3 Atomic Structure MCQs with Answers. These are the important MCQs you can find and prepare for MDCAT, ECAT, NET, and other entrance tests. This chapter is about what an atom looks like. There are more than 100 subatomic particles and out of these, three fundamental particles are proton, electron, and neutron. Then there are the atomic and mass numbers. Isotopes are the atoms of the same element that differ in mass and the number of neutrons. The concept of Ionization energy, and then the Trends in the Periodic Tables are important. So, check out the important MCQs of this chapter below. Solve the quiz and check how well you’re prepared for the entry test.

1st Year Chemistry Chapter 3 Atomic Structure MCQs


Chemistry Chapter 3

1 / 20

Which one of the following electronic configurations represents an element that forms a simple ion with a charge of -3?

2 / 20

Which one of the following has the same number of electrons as an alpha particle?

3 / 20

Which statement is incorrect?

4 / 20

The orbital which is farthest to the nucleus is:

5 / 20

By comparing the lightest isotopes, indicate one which is odd with respect to neutrons

6 / 20

An electron is lighter than a neutron by how many times

7 / 20

Which of the following is correct with respect to the application of principle?

8 / 20

The order of subshells with respect to the relative energies

9 / 20

The particle that shows the minimum response in the applied electric field

10 / 20

The ionization energy is maximum for

11 / 20

For a particular subshell, the maximum value of ionization energy is shown when an electron is present in

12 / 20

The iso-electronic species amongst the followings are

13 / 20

The highest ionization energy is shown by a group of elements

14 / 20

Which of the following species has fundamental particles in order e > n > p. Compare the lightest isotopes?

15 / 20

Which of the following species has the greatest number of electrons in the valence shell

16 / 20

The ionization energy value of hydrogen

17 / 20

The total number of d-electrons in an atom of atomic number 26 is:

18 / 20

When the 6d orbital is complete, the entering electron goes into:

19 / 20

Quantum number values for 2p orbitals are:

20 / 20

The maximum number of electrons in a sub-shell with l = 3 is:

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