
1st Year Math Chapter 1 Number System MCQs With Answers

If your search is to get the 1st Year Math Chapter 1 Number System MCQs With Answers then you have landed on the right site. Here we are providing the important MCQs of the chapter Number System that you can prepare for the entry test. This chapter has topics including Rational and Irrational Systems, Properties of Real Numbers, The real line, and Complex numbers. Through the MCQs that are given below, you will be able to prepare well for the entry test. These 1st Year Maths Chapter 1 MCQs will help you to have a grip on all the topics. Remember in order to perform well, you must prepare well for all the chapters. Here below, a quiz is given that you can solve. Solve the quiz and check the answers. Scroll down and check the MCQs.

1st Year Math Chapter 1 Number System MCQs With Answers


Math Chapter 1

1 / 20

  1. 1. A non-terminating and a nonrecurring decimal is

2 / 20

2. If z1 and z2 are any two complex numbers, then

3 / 20

3. For any complex number z, it is always true that | z | is .equal to

4 / 20

4. The numbers which can be put in the form of p/q, p,qEZ, and q is not equal to 0 are

5 / 20

5. Multiplicative Inverse of O is

6 / 20

6. If n is a prime number, then √n is

7 / 20


8 / 20

8. If z1 and Z2 are two complex numbers then

9 / 20

9. A decimal in which one or more digits repeat indefinitely in its decimal part is called

10 / 20

10. 22/7 is:

11 / 20

11. Π (pi) is

12 / 20

12. If n is a negative number, then √n is

13 / 20

13. Every recurring decimal is

14 / 20

14. The number '0' is

15 / 20

15. A decimal which has only a finite number of digits in its decimal part is called.

16 / 20

16. For a, b E R if a + b = b + a,  then this property is called

17 / 20

17. π is the ratio:

18 / 20

18. Every Integer is also a

19 / 20

19. If a is any non-zero real number, then its multiplicative inverse is

20 / 20

20. The numbers which cannot be written in the form of p/q, p,q belong to Z, q is not equal to 0 are:

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