
1st Year Math Chapter 2 Sets Functions and Groups MCQs With Answers

On this site, you are going to get the 1st Year Math Chapter 2 Sets Functions and Groups MCQs With Answers. In order to get good marks in the entry test, you must prepare for this chapter well. Through the MCQs that are given below, your grip on the topics including Sets, Operation on sets, Venn Diagram, Properties of Union and Intersection, Inductive and Deductive Logic, Implicit or Conditional, and Truth sets.

1st Year Math Chapter 2 Sets Functions and Groups MCQs With Answers


Math Chapter 2

1 / 20

1. If A∩B≠ ∅, then A and B are

2 / 20

2. An operation which is performed on a single number is called

3 / 20

3. The symbol which is used to convey the idea of all objects under consideration is called

4 / 20

4. A statement which is accepted to be true without proof and used to find other conclusions is called.

5 / 20

5. The symbol which is used to combine propositions is called

6 / 20

6. If p and q be two propositions than p ^ q is

7 / 20

7. If p and q be two propositions, then p--->q is

8 / 20

8. If A∩B= , then A and B are.

9 / 20

9. Logic in which every statement is regarded as true or false is called

10 / 20

10. If p be a proposition, then (p v ~ p) is.

11 / 20

11. If a set A has 2 elements and B has 3 elements, then different relations in Ax B are

12 / 20

12. The symbol which is used to denote the negation of a proposition is

13 / 20

13. The logic in which there is a scope of more than two possibilities is called.

14 / 20

14. The way of drawing conclusions from a limited number of observations is called.

15 / 20

15. If a set A has 2 elements and B has 3 elements then different functions in Ax B are

16 / 20

16. A statement which can be decided as true or false is called

17 / 20

17. The set builder form of A - B is equal to.

18 / 20

18. If a set A has m elements and B has n elements, then relations in Ax B

19 / 20

19. The set builder form of B - A is equal to.

20 / 20

20. The words or symbols which convey the idea of quantity or number are called

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Moreover, you can also build the concepts including Relations, functions, the inverse of a function, binary operations, groups, and solutions of linear equations. So, these are the concepts that you can improve through the 1st Year Math Chapter 2 MCQs. Here below, the important MCQs are given. So, prepare for them here. There is a quiz given below. Solve the quiz and check the answers in the end.

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