
1st Year Physics Chapter 10 MCQs

If you are searching for 1st Year Physics Chapter 10 MCQs with Answers Optical Instruments to prepare for Entrance Test, then here you are in the right place. This chapter is about different Optical Instruments that are based on the principle of reflection and refractions. First, there is the concept of magnifying power and resolving the power of these instruments. The simple Microscope working, its structure and its picture formation are discussed followed by the compound microscope. Then there is the Astronomical Telescope. There is a device called Spectroscope that is used to study spectra from different lights. Then there are fibre optics, it’s working, and their types. The last topic is Losses of power. Here below, you can find important MCQs of this chapter in quiz form.

1st Year Physics Chapter 10 MCQs with Answers Optical Instruments


Physics Chapter 10

1 / 20

In Michelson’s experiment, the equation used to find the speed of light is

2 / 20

If a convex lens of focal length f is cut into two identical halves along the lens diameter, the focal length of each half is

3 / 20

When a telescope is in normal adjustment its length is given by the formula

4 / 20

An image formed by a convex lens of focal length of 10 cm is twice the size of the object. The position of the object will be

5 / 20

A convex lens acts as a diverging lens when the object is placed

6 / 20

The wavelength of light is of the order of

7 / 20

A photodiode is used to convert the light signal to

8 / 20

The length of an astronomical telescope is given by the formula

9 / 20

When the slit is at the focus of the convex lens of the collimator in the spectrometer, the light rays become

10 / 20

Single-mode step-index fiber carries the information with the help of

11 / 20

The diameter of the core of multimode graded-index fiber is

12 / 20

Alexander Graham Bell also invented

13 / 20

The ability of an optical instrument to reveal minor details is called

14 / 20

The main sources of loss of data in fiber optics are

15 / 20

The size of fiber optics is

16 / 20

The principle of communication of data through fiber optics is based upon

17 / 20

The main part of the spectrometer is

18 / 20

In an astronomical telescope, the focal length of the objective lens is _____than the eyepiece

19 / 20

The magnifying power of a compound microscope is

20 / 20

When an object is held at the focus point the image is formed

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