
2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 13 MCQs

Get the important 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 13 MCQs Carboxylic Acid with Answers here. In carboxylic acid, the carbonyl group is attached to a hydroxyl group and it is attached to an alkyl or aryl group. They have different preparation methods and unique physical characteristics. They show reactions involving the H atom of the carboxyl group, reactions involving the –OH group of Carboxylic Acid, and Reactions involving the Carboxyl group. Then there are Acetic acids and their preparation. They have some physical characteristics and uses. Amino acids are compounds containing amino and alkyl groups. They show different reactions and have different tests. So, let’s have a look at the important MCQs for entrance test preparation.

2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 13 MCQs Carboxylic Acid with Answers


2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 13

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1. The peptide bond which is formed by the condensation of amino acids is what type of bond

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2. When sodium formate is heated with soda lime, it forms

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3. Which of the following is not a derivative of carboxylic acid?

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4. When a carboxylic acid is dissolved in non polar solvent such as benzene it exist as cyclic dimmers and shows _________ membered ring 

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5. Which acid is used in the manufacture of synthetic fiber

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6. The compound which on reduction with LiALH4 gives alcohol

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7. Monocarboxylic acids show functional group isomerism with

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8. Which of the following is the strongest acid:

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9. The solution of which acid is used for seasoning of food

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10. Which is used to remove ink and rust stains on cloth?

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11. Which of the following derivatives of the carboxylic acid is not directly prepared

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12. Which of the following reaction is given by carboxylic acid?

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13. The increasing order of acid strength is

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14. The name glacial acetic acid is given to pure acetic acid

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15. The reaction between an alcohol and an acid is known as

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16. It has been observed that melting points of carboxylic acid increases irregularly with the increase in molecular mass. Which of the following carboxylic acid has the highest boiling point?

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17. Lactic acid is:

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18. Carboxylic acids on reduction with Hl and red phosphorous gives

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19. Slight oxidation of primary alcohol gives:

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20. Which of the following esters shows the flavor of pineapple

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