
2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 5 MCQs

If your search is to get the 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 5 MCQs Halogens and Noble Gases then you’ve landed on the right site. This chapter is about Halogens and Noble Gases. The occurrence of halogens and the peculiar behavior of fluorine are at the start of the chapter. The next topic is the volatility of Halides and the explanation of Van der Waals Forces. Then there are the properties of hydrogen halides, oxides, and oxyacids of halogens. The reaction of Chlorine with sodium hydroxide and the preparation and reaction of bleaching powder are important concepts. Then there are the uses of halogens and their compounds. The oxides, fluorides, and oxyfluorides of xenon have some specific properties. Start preparation for the MCQs of this chapter here below.

2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 5 MCQs Halogens and Noble Gases


2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 5

1 / 20

1. Color of which halogen is not correctly related:

2 / 20

2. Mark the element, which can displace three halogens from their compounds:

3 / 20

3. The Chemical formula of Perchloric acid is:

4 / 20

4. The anhydride of HClO4 is:

5 / 20

5. Chlorine heptaoxide (Cl2 O7) reacts with water to form:

6 / 20

6. Which is used for making unshrinkable wool:

7 / 20

7. Which of the following compound is Carnallite:

8 / 20

8. Which of the following acid is used for the etching of glass:

9 / 20

9. The oxidation states of Xe in its compounds range from:

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10. Oxidation state of chlorine in HClO4 is:

11 / 20

11. Chlorine dioxide is a:

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12. Iodine pentoxide acts as a:

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13. Radon is formed by the removal of alpha particles from:

14 / 20

14. The most inert element in the noble gas group is:

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15. Silver bromide is used in:

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16. _________ is used for earthquake prediction

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17. Halogen acid in a gaseous state found as an equilibrium mixture of monomers and hexamers is:

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18. The chemical formula of iodic acid is:

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19. Which of the following gases is used in radiotherapy for cancer treatment and earthquake predictions?

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20. In which compound, the oxidation state of xenon is not +6:

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