Start preparing for the 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 8 MCQs Aliphatic Hydrocarbons with Answers here. The important MCQs of this chapter are given here. When we talk about the classification of hydrocarbons, then they are either aliphatic means open-chain, or cyclic means closed-chain compounds. This chapter is about open-chain hydrocarbons. They are further classified into Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. So, here we will study the IUPAC rules to name these hydrocarbons and the synthesis of Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes. Then there is the comparison between the reactivity of pi and sigma bonds. Finally, there is the comparison of the reactivity of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. So, check out the important MCQs of this chapter and start preparing for the entrance test.
2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 8 MCQs