
2nd Year Math Chapter 1 Functions and Limits MCQs With Answers

Students who are looking for the 2nd Year Math Chapter 1 Functions and Limits MCQs With Answers are here on the right site. We are providing the important MCQs that you can prepare to get good marks. This chapter is about the functions and limits. Functions are used to explain the relationship between the variable quantities. They have different types and 11 types are described here. Further in this chapter, the concepts of Composition of Functions and Inverse of a function, limits of function, and continuous and discontinuous functions are very important. So, to prepare well for the exams or entry tests, then you must have a good grip on all the topics. It means 2nd Year Math MCQs with Answers are going to help you in this scenario. Scroll down to check the important MCQs.

2nd Year Math Chapter 1 Functions and Limits MCQs With Answers


2nd Year Math Chapter 1

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If f(x) = {x ,      when 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
x − 1 , when 1 < x ≤ 2 , then domain of f

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2. If y = cotx , domain = {x|x ∈ R, x = nπ , n integer} then range is

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3. Cosh 2x – Sinh2 x =

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4. If y is expressed in terms of a variable x as y = f(x), then y is called:

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5. limx→0 (1 + x)1/x =

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6. The function I(x) = x is called:

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7. limx→a x3−a3 /x−a=

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8. When we say that f is a function from set X to set Y, then X is called

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9. If y = cosecx , domain = {x|x ∈ R, x = nπ , n integer} then range is

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10. The domain and range of identity function, I: X → X is

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11. If f(x) = 2x + 3, g(x) = x2 − 1 , then (gof)(x) =

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12. If f(x) = x2 then the range of f is

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13. If a graph expresses a function, then a vertical line must cut the graph at

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14. The graph of linear equation is always a

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15. If f(x) =x/ x2−4 then domain of f is

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16. If f(x) = 2x + 3, g(x) = x2 − 1 , then (fof)(x) =

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17. The notation y = f(x) was invented by

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18. cosechx is equal to

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19. If f(x) = x2 − 2x + 1 , then f(0) =

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20. The term “Function” was recognized by______ to describe the dependence of one quantity on another.

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