
2nd Year Math Chapter 3 Integration MCQs With Answers

In order to get the 2nd Year Math Chapter 3 Integration MCQs With Answers, you are here on the right site. This chapter includes the important topics that are differentials of variables, anti-derivatives, substitution methods, integration by parts, partial integrations, and definite integrals. Through these 2nd Year Math Chapter 3 MCQs, you will be able to have a grip on the topics including differential equations. So, these are some topics in this chapter but they are very important from the entry test perspective. In order to get maximum marks on the test, your preparation should be very good. Especially the 2nd Year MCQs of Physics are very important. For this, we have provided the MCQs below. Start solving the quiz and get the answers in the end. So, hopefully, these MCQs will be good for your preparation.

2nd Year Math Chapter 3 Integration MCQs With Answers


2nd Year Math Chapter 3

1 / 20

1. The order of the differential equation: x d2y/dx2 + dy/dx − 2 = 0

2 / 20

2. ∫f′(x)/f(x) dx =

3 / 20

3. If n ≠ 1, then ∫(ax + b)ndx =

4 / 20

4. To determine the area under the curve by the use of integration, the idea was given by

5 / 20

5. ∫[f(x)]nf′(x)dx =

6 / 20

6. Solution of the differential equation: dy/dx =1 √1−x2

7 / 20

7. ∫x / √x2+3 dx =

8 / 20

8. ∫ e−λx dx =

9 / 20

9. If ∫ f(x)dx = φ(x) + c ,then f(x) is called 

10 / 20

10. ∫ udv equals:

11 / 20

11. ∫ secxdx equal to

12 / 20

12. ∫ sin(ax + b) dx=

13 / 20

13. ∫ eax [af(x) + f′ (x)]dx =

14 / 20

14. ∫dx/ xlnx =

15 / 20

15. The general solution of differential equation dy/dx = −y/x is

16 / 20

16. ∫ e sinx. cosxdx =

17 / 20

17. ∫ aλxdx =

18 / 20

18. ∫dx/√x+a+√x can be evaluated if

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19. If y = f(x), then differential of y is

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20. ∫ ex [sinx + cos]dx =

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