
2nd Year Physics Chapter 13 MCQs

If you want to prepare for the 2nd Year Physics Chapter 13 MCQs with Answers Current Electricity then this is the place. It’s the opposite of electrostatics and in Current Electricity, we study the changes that are in motion. For this, first, you need to know what Electric Current is. Then it is also important to know the sources of Electric Current and its effects. Ohm’s law defines the relationships between current, potential difference, and resistance. Then there is some importance of resistance and emf that is the energy supplied to unit charge by the cell. After this, there are Kirchhoff’s rules that are very important. You can now move towards the MCQs section where you will be given four choices. Select the right one. Through this, you will be able to prepare for your entrance test.

2nd Year Physics Chapter 13 MCQs with Answers Current Electricity


Physics Chapter 13

1 / 20

Rheostat connected in parallel with a battery acts as a

2 / 20

If a potentiometer of length 4 meters is connected to a supply of 3 V and balancing length is 2.0-meter then-unknown emf of the cell is

3 / 20

If resistances in the successive arms of a balanced Wheatstone bridge are 3 ohms respectively, then unknown resistance in the fourth arm is

4 / 20

A person has five resistances each of value 1/5 ohm. The minimum resistance he can obtain by combining them is

5 / 20

A wire has a resistance of 12 . It is bent in the form of a circle. The effective resistance between two points across a diameter is

6 / 20

Which material has a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity?

7 / 20

In short circuit, resistance is _______ and in open circuit, resistance is ______.

8 / 20

If the balancing length is one-sixth of the length of the potentiometer and a cell of emf 1.5 V is connected across it then the voltage of the accumulator (driver cell) is

9 / 20

If a wire is cut into two equal halves then the resistivity of each half

10 / 20

A cell having pure emf of 2.0 V with an internal resistance of 0.5 . When short-circuited its current would be

11 / 20

Electromotive force can be _________ terminal potential difference.

12 / 20

The potential difference between the terminal of a battery in an open circuit is 2.2 V when it is connected across a resistance of 6 Ω, the potential falls to 1.8 V. The internal resistance of the battery is

13 / 20

When maximum power is dissipated in the external circuit then the terminal potential difference would be

14 / 20

The slope of I-V graph for an ohmic substance gives

15 / 20

In the case of tungsten filament, the deviation of the I-V graph from a straight line is due to

16 / 20

Siemen m–1 are the units of

17 / 20

A piece of a certain material has a resistance of 100 at 0o C and 10 at 18o C. The material is of

18 / 20

The working of an electric iron is based upon:

19 / 20

All of the following statements are incorrect except

20 / 20

If 1.6 A of current flows through a copper wire of a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2 and if the free electron density in copper is 8 x 1028 per m3 then the drift velocity of electrons in ms-1

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