
2nd Year Physics Chapter 14 MCQs

If you’re seeking 2nd Year Physics Chapter 14 MCQs with Answers Electromagnetism then this is the site where you can find it. This chapter is about magnetic fields and their relation to the current. It says that a magnetic field is set when the current passes through a wire. Then there is the concept of Magnetic Flux and Flux Density. Through Ampere’s law, we can find the flux density. Then there is the determination of the e/m of an electron. There are some applications of electromagnetism and here Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is discussed. It is a high-speed graph plotting device. The current-carrying coil also is experienced. The next instrument is a Galvanometer which is used to detect the passage of electric current. Then there are devices AVOMETER that measures current in Amperes. So, start preparing for the MCQs of this chapter.

2nd Year Physics Chapter 14 MCQs with Answers Electromagnetism


Physics Chapter 14

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1. The magnetic field due to a solenoid is given by B = µon I. Units of ‘n’ in the formula are

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2. If an electron is accelerated by a P.D of V then the velocity gained by the electron

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3. The direction of the field around a wire carrying current towards you is

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4. The force which simply is a deflecting force is:

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5. The electron gun in CRO consists of

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6. A proton and an α particle are projected perpendicular to the field with the same velocity the ratio of the radius of proton to the radius of α -particle is

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7. If an electron enters a magnetic field directed into the plane of the paper, from left to right perpendicularly, then it is deflected

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8. If the direction of the velocity of charge is along the +x-axis and the direction of the magnetic force on it is along the –y-axis, then the direction of the magnetic field is along

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9. A straight wire of length 2 m carries a 10 A current. How much weaker is the magnetic field at a distance of 4 cm from the wire than it is at 2 cm from the wire?

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10. A charge is moving parallel to the magnetic field. The magnetic force on the charge is

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11. In a current-carrying solenoid, the magnetic field produced does not depend upon

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12. Two parallel wires carrying current in the same direction.

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13. Ampere’s law is only applicable to

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14. When a charged particle enters perpendicularly in a uniform magnetic field its kinetic energy

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15. At a distance r perpendicular to a straight conductor carrying a current, I have a magnetic field B. With the magnetic field of the conductor at a distance of 2r from the conductor carrying the same current I will be

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16. Saw tooth voltage in CRO is given to

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17. An electron is projected along the axis of a circular conductor carrying some current. Electron will experience

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18. If a wire of length 20 cm carrying a current of 1 A is placed in a magnetic field of 1 T making an angle of 30o with the field then the magnitude of the force on the wire is

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19. The grid in CRO is given __________ to control_______.

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20. A charged particle q is projected perpendicular to a field B. If it moves in a circular path of radius r, then its momentum will be

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