
1st Year Chemistry Chapter 6 Electrochemistry MCQs

This is the place where you can find the 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 6 Electrochemistry MCQs. These Multiple Choice Questions will help you to prepare for entry tests. There is a branch of Chemistry in which we study the interconversion of chemical energy and electrical energy and it is called electrochemistry. In this chapter, there is the concept of Electrolysis which is chemical decomposition by passing the electric current through a liquid or solution containing ions. Then there are different types of electrochemical cells and measurements of electrode potential. In the end, there are electrochemical series and fuel cells. Now move toward the important MCQs of this chapter so that you can prepare for the Entrance Test. Solve the below-given quiz which will help you to prepare for the entry test.

1st Year Chemistry Chapter 6 Electrochemistry MCQs with Answers


Chemistry Chapter 6

1 / 20

The oxidation number of sulphur in Na2S4O6 is:

2 / 20

The oxidation state of Mn in K2MnO4 is:

3 / 20

The change in the oxidation state of nitrogen in the following reaction is:

Cu+HNO3¾¾® Cu(NO3)2 +NO2+H2O



4 / 20

In which of the following reactions, hydrogen behaves as an oxidizing agent:

5 / 20

Which of the following has the same oxidation state in all of its compounds:

6 / 20

Which of the following is the function of the salt bridge?

7 / 20

Which of the following statements is correct?

8 / 20

Which is the strongest reducing agent?

9 / 20

The electrode potentials of a few elements are given:

10 / 20

Which statement is correct about electrochemical series?

11 / 20

Which is the best reducing agent regarding electrochemical series?

12 / 20

In which of the following cells, zinc is used as anode?

13 / 20

Which of the following cell is considered a rechargeable cell / secondary cell?

14 / 20

By the electrolysis of dil. CuSO4 solution, which is deposited at the cathode?

15 / 20

By the electrolysis of concentrated NaCl solution, which of the following is collected at the cathode?

16 / 20

In which type of cell, electric current is consumed?

17 / 20

Which is an electrolytic cell?

18 / 20

During electrolysis of dilution KNO3, which of them is collected at the anode?

19 / 20

Which is an inert electrode?

20 / 20

Which statement is correct for galvanic cell:

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