
2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 1 MCQs

Students who are searching for the 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 1 MCQs Periodic Classification of Elements With Answers are here on the right site. Here we have provided the important MCQs of this chapter. So, if you are preparing for the entrance test then this is the best place to do so. This chapter is about the history of the periodic table and how the elements were arranged into groups and periods. A brief history of who made this table and how it was improved with time and what the modern periodic table looks like. Moreover, different trends that exist in the periodic table are studied. Then there are different characteristics of the elements of the periodic table. Then there is the relation of these elements with other elements. So, check out the important MCQs of this chapter below. You can solve the quiz and you will be able to check the answers at the end of the quiz.

2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 1 MCQs Periodic Classification of Elements


2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 1

1 / 20

Which of the element is the best conductor of electricity?

2 / 20

The melting point and boiling point are highest for

3 / 20

Which is the correct statement?

4 / 20

Ionization energy is the index to the metallic character. The elements which have

5 / 20

Which halogen has the greatest value of electron affinity?

6 / 20

Which of the following elements has the greatest value of first ionization energy?

7 / 20

Which element is the most electro-positive in the periodic table?

8 / 20

Which element has greater 1st ionization energy?

9 / 20

Which has the highest value of ionization energy?

10 / 20

Which of the species is not isoelectronic to others?

11 / 20

Which statement is incorrect

12 / 20

Which of the elements has a comparatively greater reduction in size?

13 / 20

Elements in the periodic table are classified into four blocks. This classification is based upon

14 / 20

f-block elements are also called

15 / 20

Which of the scientist experimentally proved that elements should be arranged in the periodic table on the basis of atomic numbers and not on the basis of atomic mass

16 / 20

For which of the element, a separate group was not mentioned in Mendeleev's periodic table?

17 / 20

Which is the drawback of Mendeleev’s periodic table?

18 / 20

The uniqueness of Mendeleev’s periodic table is that

19 / 20

Mendeleev’s periodic table has number of groups and number of periods

20 / 20

Newland classified the number of elements in the increasing order of their atomic mass is

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