Students who are searching for the English Tenses Test with Answers are here in the right place. You will be able to get the important MCQs here to prepare for MDCAT, ECAT, NET, NTS, GIKI, and other entrance tests. It is true that in the entry tests, English MCQs have very little weightage but to score good, you have to prepare for it. So, here we have given MCQs for English Tenses. They are used to identify a specific time in a sentence. For instance, either the work done in the past or it will be done in the future. These make a total of 12 types of tenses. They are very important in English Grammer. So, if you want to prepare for it, the important MCQs are given below. Attempt the test and check the answers at the end of the test.
English Tenses Test with Answers
these are very good mcqs but I can’t attempt them all because time ends
After your suggestion, we have increased the duration of time.