If you’re seeking 2nd Year Physics Chapter 14 MCQs with Answers Electromagnetism then this is the site where you can find it. This chapter is about magnetic fields and their relation to the current. It says that a magnetic field is set when the current passes through a wire. Then there is the concept of Magnetic Flux and Flux Density. Through Ampere’s law, we can find the flux density. Then there is the determination of the e/m of an electron. There are some applications of electromagnetism and here Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is discussed. It is a high-speed graph plotting device. The current-carrying coil also is experienced. The next instrument is a Galvanometer which is used to detect the passage of electric current. Then there are devices AVOMETER that measures current in Amperes. So, start preparing for the MCQs of this chapter.
2nd Year Physics Chapter 14 MCQs