
Analytical Reasoning MCQs with Answers

This is the right place to get the Analytical Reasoning MCQs with Answers. Here you will be able to get the most important MCQs that you can prepare for Analytical Reasoning. If you are going to attempt any test like GAT, NAT, EST, NTS, or any other with the analytical reasoning portion, then here you can start preparing for it. In these questions, you are given some information from which you have to draw a deductive interference. Now you have to check the options and choose the one that makes logic. For these types of questions, you don’t need any prior knowledge. These MCQs will make an image for you about how you should attempt these types of questions. So, that’s the main point. Now, move toward the quiz section and solve the questions.

Analytical Reasoning MCQs with Answers


Analytical Reasoning MCQs

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The only people to attend a conference were four ship captains and the first mates of three of those captains. The captains were L, M, N and O; the first mates were A, D and G.Each person in turn delivered a report to the assembly as follows:
Each of the first mates delivered their report exactly after his or her captain. The first captain to speak was M, and captain N spoke after him.
In case A spoke immediately after L and immediately before O, and O was not the last speaker, L spoke

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2. An editor must choose five articles to be published in the upcoming issue of an arts review.

The only articles available for publication are theater articles F, G, H and J, and dance articles K, L, M and O.

At least three of the five published articles must be dance articles.

If J is chosen, then M cannot be.

If F is chosen, then J must also be chosen.

The choice of which article makes only one group of articles acceptable?

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3. An editor must choose five articles to be published in the upcoming issue of an arts review.

The only articles available for publication are theater articles F, G, H and J, and dance articles K, L, M and O.

At least three of the five published articles must be dance articles.

If J is chosen, then M cannot be.

If F is chosen, then J must also be chosen.

If G is chosen for the issue, which of the following must be true?

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4. An increasing number of people prefer to retain their own individuality and their own identity and consequently this has lead to a decline in the marriage rate.

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5. In a one-day cricket match, the total runs made by a team were 200. Out of these 160 runs were made by spinners.

I. 80% of the team consists of spinners.

II. The opening batsmen were spinners.

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6. Six doggies—R, V, W, X, Y, Z—must each be scheduled for an examination by a veterinarian. The doggies are to be examined one at a time in six consecutive time slots on the same day according to the following conditions:

W cannot be examined immediately before or immediately after X.

V must be examined immediately before Z.

R must be examined fourth.

Which of the following is an acceptable examination schedule for the doggies, in order from first examined to last examine?

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7. Retail Stores identify the individual products by means of a four-symbol identification code running left to right. The symbols used are the four digits 6, 7, 8, and 9 and the four letters L, M. N, and O.

Each code consists of two letters and two digits.

The two letters must be next to each other, and the two digits must be next to each other,

Of the two digits, the left digit must be less than the right digit.

The two letters must be dissimilar letters.

Which of the following could be the third symbol in a code in which the fourth symbol is 3?

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Persons live in a street, having houses in line. Consider the following:

A. A lives in the corner’s house

B. C is between E and G

C. There is 1 house between D and F

D. F is neighbor of G

E. There are two houses between A and G

Who lives between B and G?

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9. Persons live in a street, having houses in line. Consider the following:

A. A lives in the corner’s house

B. C is between E and G

C. There is 1 house between D and F

D. F is neighbor of G

E. There are two houses between A and G

Who lives in the middle?

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10. Exactly six different essays will appear in a coming issue of a magazine. Three of the essays— G, I, and J— are by the writer K, and the other three essays—M, N, and P—are by the writer Y. Each essay will appear exactly once in the issue, and a essay must appear on each of the pages 3, 6, 9. 12, 15, and 18. The order in which the essays appear in the issue will be governed by the following conditions:

The essays on pages 3, 9, and 15 must all be by the same writer.

I must precede P.

M must precede J.

Which of the following is an acceptable order, from first to last, in which the essays can appear in the magazine?

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11. The Government run company had asked its employees to declare their income and assets but it has been strongly resisted by employees union and no employee is going to declare his income.

I. The employees of this company do not seem to have any additional undisclosed income besides their salary.

II. The employees union wants all senior officers to declare their income first.

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12. Two boys singers, F and G; two Girls singers, H and I; two boys comedians, J and K; and two girls comedians, L and M, are the eight actors who are to perform in a club on a certain night. Each actor is to perform alone and only once that night. The .actors may perform in any order that conforms to the following restrictions:

The performances by singers and the performances by comedians must exchange throughout the night.

The first performance that night must be by a girls actor and the second performance by a boys actor.

The final performance must, be by a boys singer.

Which of the following could be the last of the actors to perform?

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13. Modern man influences his destiny by the choice he makes unlike in the past.

I. Earlier there was fewer options available to men.

II. There was no desire in the past to influence the destiny

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14. A book society holds two discussion sessions each summer. The discussion leader of the society is selecting two Sets of books—Set 1 and Set 2—for the sessions. She is choosing from seven books—F, G, H, I, J, K, and L. Set 1 will contain four of the books and Set 2 will contain the other three books. The leader must select the books for each Set according to the following restrictions:

F cannot be in the same Set as G.

If J is in Set 2, L must also be in Set 2.

If L is in Set 1, I must also be in Set 1.

If F and L are in Set 2, any of the following books can also be in Set 2 EXCEPT

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15. An editor must choose five articles to be published in the upcoming issue of an arts review.

The only articles available for publication are theater articles F, G, H and J, and dance articles K, L, M and O.

At least three of the five published articles must be dance articles.

If J is chosen, then M cannot be.

If F is chosen, then J must also be chosen.

57) How many acceptable groupings of articles include J?

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16. Only good singers are invited in the conference. No one without sweet voice is a good singer.

I. All invited singers in the conference have sweet voice.

II. Those singers who do not have sweet voice are not invited in the conference.

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17. An engineer is planning to build a housing complex on an empty block of land. Exactly seven different designs of houses—F, G, H, I, J, K, and L—will be built in the complex. The complex will contain several blocks, and the engineer plans to put houses of at least three different designs on each block.

The engineer will build the complex according to the following rules:

Any block that has design L on it must also have design J on it.

Any block adjacent to one that has on it both design H and design K must have on it design I and design L.

No block adjacent to one that has on it both design R and design L can have on it either design I or design J

No block can have on it both design H and design F.

Which of the following can be the complete selection of house designs on a block?

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An editor must choose five articles to be published in the upcoming issue of an arts review.
The only articles available for publication are theater articles F, G, H and J, and dance articles K, L, M and O.
At least three of the five published articles must be dance articles.
If J is chosen, then M cannot be.
If F is chosen, then J must also be chosen.

18. If M is not chosen for the issue, which of the following must be chosen?

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19. A five-member research group is chosen from engineers I, J, K and L and chemists M, N, O and P. At least three engineers must be in the research group. However, I refuses to work with L, J refuses to work with M, N refuses to work with O, L refuses to work with N.

If J and K are chosen, which is necessarily true?

I. I is chosen

II. L is chosen

III. Either N or O is chosen

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20. Persons living in a street, having houses in line. Consider the following:

A. Life in the corner’s house

B. C is between E and G

C. There is 1 house between D and F

D. F is neighbour of G

E. There are two houses between A and G


Who lives in the second corner?

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At the end of the quiz, you will be able to check the answers to all the questions. Through this, you will be able to check what mistakes you’ve done so that next time you will not do that mistake again. In addition, the Analytical Reasoning MCQs Online Test will give you the true direction for your English Test. For attaining maximum grades, you just need to have a grip on every topic.

The main reason for these MCQs is to give you the right approach for your test. For scoring exceptional, you need to have all the concepts fully cleared. So, this is all about the Analytical Reasoning MCQs with Answers. Keep following us for more similar posts.

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