
Biology Coordination and Control MCQs With Answers

If you are looking for the Biology Coordination and Control MCQs With Answers then you are in the right place. This chapter is about Coordination and Control/ Nervous and Chemical Coordination. The opening topic is about the Nervous System and Nerve impulses. The chapter comprises Neurons; their structure and their types. You will be able to define the transmission of action potential between cell synapse; electrical synapse, and chemical synapse. There are different types of hormones in the body for different working. The mechanism of reflexes and the levels of spinal cords. Finally, the human brain and its main functions. Each part has its own specific function and it is one of the most important organs of the body. Its main parts include the Brain stem, midbrain, cerebellum, and cerebrum. Now let’s check the important MCQs of this chapter below. You can also solve the quiz below and can check the answers.

Biology Coordination and Control MCQs With Answers






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1. A nerve impulse is a wave of electrochemical change traveling along the length of the neuron involving chemical reactions and movement of ions across the:



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2. Metamorphosis in tadpole requires:



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3. In-water logged and saline conditions of the soil, stem and root growth is inhibited by:




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4. A conditioned reflex is:



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5. The groups of ribosomes present in the cell body of the neuron, which are associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum, are called:



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6. What would be the result of a reduction in the activity of the thyroid gland?



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7. First hormone isolated was:



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8. Adrenaline is also called:



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9. The chief morphological and physiological unit of the nervous system is the:



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10. The plants are said to be etiolated, if they fail to form chlorophyll in the absence of:



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11. Components of S-R Model:



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12. Axon is long in:



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13. The information about CO2 is received by:



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14. In which organisms is a nerve impulse least likely to travel in a definite pathway?



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15. At the time of impulse, the inner side of the membrane is more positive due to:



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16. Schwann cell is associated with:



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17. The base of biological clock is:



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18. Cell bodies of sensory neurons constitute:



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19. Thyrotrophin releasing factor (TRF) is produced by:



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20. One term that does not belong with others is:



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