This is the place where you are getting the English Comprehension and Vocabulary MCQs for MDCAT. If you are going to attempt the MDCAT this year, then here we are providing the important MCQs to prepare for it. The comprehension key vocabulary consists of synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. Synonyms are the words with the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. Antonyms are the opposite meaning words and homophones are the words with the same pronunciation but different meanings. If you want to make your English speaking skills perfect, then vocabulary matters the most. In the entry test, English has less weightage as compared to other subjects but still, it is necessary for you to perform well in it. So, here below, you will see important MCQs that you can solve and check the answers.
English Comprehension and Vocabulary MCQs for MDCAT
Assalamualaikum kia in mcqs ki video solution available h