
English Preposition MCQs with Answers

If your search is to get the important English Preposition MCQs with Answers for the entry test preparation, then you have landed on the right site. Here you will get the important MCQs of the preposition for MDCAT, ECAT, NET, NTS, GIKI, and other entrance tests. For English MCQs, it is important to prepare this section also because if you take this for granted, you may face problems in getting good marks. A group of words used before a noun. pronoun, or a noun phrase in order to show the direction, or time, or place or to introduce an object. In the test, you will be given some options and you have to choose the correct one. You have to select the right preposition there. Scroll down to check the important MCQs below. Solve the quiz and check the answers.

English Preposition MCQs with Answers


English Preposition MCQs

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1. I missed the lesson on the short story yesterday, but the teacher told us that he would repeat the lesson, so I will be able to _______ what I missed.

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2. This encouraging explanation has given him the will to ____ with his duties with great deal of enthusiasm.

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3. Choose Correct:

4 / 20

4. Let's go swimming. - Sorry but, I don't ________ it. We may go tomorrow. I want to stay at home today.

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5. Choose Correct:

6 / 20

6. We have to ____ these mosquitoes in order to sleep without being interrupted.

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7. Choose Correct:

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8. After a long debate the problems were ________ and the main problem turned out to be merely a misunderstanding at the end.

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9. Choose Correct:

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10. You have to ____ the things which you learn many times during a day in order not to forget them.

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11. A student may want to know how many stages insescts _______ before they become butterflies.

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12. Choose Correct:

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13. Choose Correct:

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14. Choose Correct:

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15. I don't really like Mr. Ram. He may be very rich but it doesn't give him the right to ____ poor people.

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16. Choose Correct:

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17. Choose Correct:

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18. Choose Correct:

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19. The company should ____ the price so as to sell more, otherwise the stocks will not be sold.

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20. I will put this watch here for five minutes as I am going to swim. Please ________ it so it doesn't get lost.

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