Entry Test

KMU CAT Test Preparation 2025

This place is where you will find KMU CAT Test Preparation 2025. Students who have applied for the KMU CAT test can get the details here for the preparation. For admission to BS Allied Health Sciences programs in KPK colleges, it is mandatory to attempt this test. Without this test, you can’t get admission to these programs. The Centralized Admission Test will require well preparation. Remember, the next step will be to get admission and for this, there will be high competition. So, you need to do your best to get good marks. Here, we are providing you with the material that you can use to do the best preparation for this test. Move on now and get the material for preparation.

KMU CAT Test Preparation 2025

This test will be taken from three science subjects and three arts subjects. All of them will be included and you need to prepare for them. Here below, you can check the MCQs of these subjects listed. Click on any of them to start preparation.

Physics Pak Study
Chemistry 1st Year Chemistry 2nd Year
Biology Islamic Study

KMU CAT Test Syllabus 2025:

It is a necessary thing to know the syllabus for the test. Students, the test will be included from inter-level textbook chapters. The test will be from the following subjects and questions will be added from 1st and 2nd-year textbooks.

  • The total time will be 90 minutes
  • There will be no negative marking
Subject Weightage
Biology 35 MCQs
Chemistry 30 MCQs
Physics 20 MCQs
English/Islamiat/Pak Study 15 MCQs
Total Marks 100

This is the paper pattern KMU will follow during the test. You need to prepare well for it according to the instructions. One thing is important for the candidates here. It is the time given for completing the test. There are 100 MCQs and the time given is 90 minutes. So, you need to manage your time in a good way. Give a maximum of 50 seconds to a question. After reading the statement of the question, if you are not remembering the answer, then don’t waste your time on it and move on to the next one. After completing all the questions, if time is remaining, then solve that question later.

KMU CAT Test Preparation 2022

In short, this is an important test for the candidates. It is valid for 1 year and to get admission to Allied Health Sciences programs, it is necessary to pass it. So, this is all about KMU CAT Test Preparation 2025. Hopefully, this material has helped you a lot.

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