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Pakistan Geography MCQs Quiz with Answers

Here you will be able to get Pakistan Geography MCQs Quiz with Answers. Students who are searching for Multiple Choice Question related to the geography of Pakistan are on the right site. Here, you will be able to prepare for the jobs and other tests where the questions regarding Pakistan Geography are asked. Pakistan is situated at the crossroads of the Middle East and Asia. It has distinct geographic regions. The total area of Pakistan is 881,913 square km. The land is full of natural resources including water, fuel resources, agricultural land, etc. So, if you are going to attempt any test like CSS, PPSC, FPSC, PMS, KPSC, or NTS, then you must have complete knowledge of the geography of Pakistan. For this, we are sharing the important MCQs here. Scroll down and start solving the quiz.

Pakistan Geography MCQs Quiz with Answers


Pakistan Geography MCQs

1 / 40

1. The highest peak of the Karakoram Range is

2 / 40

2. What is the total length of the Pak-India boundary line?

3 / 40

3. The Indus River rises from

4 / 40

4. Name the Glacier which is located in the Karakoram mountain range.

5 / 40

5. K-2 is also Known as:

6 / 40

6. Which is the largest desert in Pakistan?

7 / 40

7. The highest peak of the Koh-e-Sufaid range is

8 / 40

8. Which Pass connects Chitral with Gilgit and is just 381 meters long?

9 / 40

9. What is the height of the Nanga Parbat peak?

10 / 40

10. Warchha mine is famous for the mineral of

11 / 40

11. In which province of Pakistan there is no dessert?

12 / 40

12. K-2 is present in which mountains range?

13 / 40

13. Khewra is famous for the minerals of

14 / 40

14. Toot oil and natural gas field is located in

15 / 40

15. Where do all rivers of Punjab enter into Indus?

16 / 40

16. Which is the highest peak of the Himalayas range in Pakistan?

17 / 40

17. Which is the hottest place in Pakistan?

18 / 40

18. Which province is the largest producer of oil?

19 / 40

19. The Potwar plateau is very rich in

20 / 40

20. Which is located East of Pakistan?

21 / 40

21. The longest tunnel of Pakistan is

22 / 40

22. Nanga Parbat is located in

23 / 40

23. Baltoro glacier is situated in the mountain range of

24 / 40

24. The highest point above sea level in Pakistan is

25 / 40

25. The climate of Pakistan is mostly referred as

26 / 40

26. Which is located North and North East of Pakistan?

27 / 40

27. Which is located West of Pakistan?

28 / 40

28. The first gas field discovered in Pakistan in 1952 was at

29 / 40

29. Indus plain is divided into

30 / 40

30. What is the installed generation capacity of Mangla Dam?

31 / 40

31. Warsak Project is located on

32 / 40

32. What is the total height of the K-2 peak?

33 / 40

33. The “Basha Dam” on the Indus River is being constructed in:

34 / 40

34. The lowest point (below the sea level) in Pakistan is

35 / 40

35. Which of the following pass connects Abbotabad and Gilgit?

36 / 40

36. Which of the following mountain peaks is called Killer Mountain?

37 / 40

37. Which is the smallest river of Pakistan?

38 / 40

38. Siachen glacier is located in the region of

39 / 40

39. Which is located in the South of Pakistan?

40 / 40

40. Which province is the largest producer of natural gas?

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After solving all the questions, the next step is to check the answers here. It will give you the details about how good you are in this quiz. If you solve it without mistakes, then go for more resources for preparation. For the competitive exams, one thing that is necessary is to access the knowledge that is up-to-date. The reason for this is that this access is very important in order to score more. So, this is what you can expect from this Geography MCQs Online Quiz.

If you have the important points here, then the next and most important step is to move a step further and go for more search of resources. We have provided these MCQs for free here. Hopefully, they helped you. So, this is all about the Pakistan Geography MCQs Quiz with Answers. Keep following us for more relevant posts.

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