Islamic Studies

Ramadan Quiz Questions and Answers Mcqs in English

Ramadan is the most respectful month as compared to other Islamic months but now students seeking Ramadan Quiz Questions and Answers Mcqs in English. To judge the knowledge of the students that belong to the Muslim community now start the quiz and when it is complete the right answer will show on your screen. Moreover, if you give the wrong answer then the right option will show on your screen. Further, have a look down and start the Quiz.

Ramadan Quiz Questions and Answers Mcqs in English



1 / 21

1. The first battle in history Widdah or Abwa held in

2 / 21

2. Battle of _____ is also known as The battle of Khandaq

3 / 21

3. What is the meaning of “FASTING”?

4 / 21

4. ______ is the festival that occurs at the end of Ramadan.

5 / 21

5. Who arranged the Namaz-e-Tarawih?

6 / 21

6. In the Battle of Badar, the Number of Kuffar’s who were killed was

7 / 21

7. Conquest of Makkah in ____ A.H

8 / 21

8. In the Battle of Badar, a number of Muslim soldiers was

9 / 21

9. Bab-ul-Ryan is the door for

10 / 21

10. The month of ________ is called Sayeed us Shahoor.

11 / 21

11. What we called the first ASHRA

12 / 21

12. What we called the second ASHRA

13 / 21

13. Fasting is commanded in ______.

14 / 21

14. Battle of Baddar was fought on ______ of Ramadan.

15 / 21

15. Name the month which comes after Ramadan.

16 / 21

16. The preaching of Islam Battle of Mutah to various kings in _____ A.H.

17 / 21

17. Yom-ul Furqan is also known to

18 / 21

18. Battle of Badar was fought for ______

19 / 21

19. What we called Third ASHRA

20 / 21

20. In 17th of Shawal Udha fought _______ A.H

21 / 21

21. A number of Muslim soldiers in the Battle of Uhad are

Your score is


Different types of questions are related to the month of Ramadan mentioned. Muslims people fight different battles with non-Muslims to protect the Islamic religion. On the other hand, a small portion of questions was enrolled for just students’ knowledge related to Islam.

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