Here is complete list of Punjab University (PU) Affiliated Colleges In Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Islamabad as these are the 4 main cities of province Punjab and Punjab University is the oldest university in Pakistan that starts its working in 1882. Till from its inception Punjab University aim is to provide good and up to dated education to the students of Pakistan so that is why what Punjab University do that it gives its university affiliation to the local colleges so that on syllabus of Punjab University students can get education and after that the final exams were also taken by the Punjab University itself not only this the degree issued after the examination to the students is also of Punjab University and here is the list of Punjab University Affiliated Colleges In Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Islamabad
Punjab University Affiliated Colleges In Lahore
- Akhtar Saeed College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bahria Town, Lahore
- Al-Syed College of Commerce, 123-Abubakar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
- Al-Syed College of Commerce, 63-E, Johar Town, Lahore
- Ashrafia Girls College, Ferozpur Road, Lahore
- Central College of Commerce, 1-Rasheed Park, Ferozepur Road, Lahore
- CFE College of Commerce & Science, 5-Babar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
- CFE College of Management Sciences, 68-A, E-1, Halli Road, Gulberg-III, Lahore.
- Ch. Rehmat Ali Memorial Trust, Akhtar Majeed, Girls Degree College, Civic Centre, Township, Lahore
- City Law College, 124-Allama Iqbal Road, Ghari Shahu, Lahore.
- Dar-ul-Hikmat Degree College for Boys, P.O. Ismail Nagar, Ferozepur Road, Gulloo Kot, Lahore
- Defence Degree College for Boys, 305-R Block, Phase-II, DHA, Lahore
- Defence Degree College for Women, 487-FF, Phase-IV, D.H.A., Lahore Cantt
- F.G. Degree College, Lahore Cantt
- Fatima Jinnah Medical College for Women, Lahore.
- Federal Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore
- Garrison Postgraduate College for Men, Lahore Cantt
- Garrison Postgraduate College for Women, Lahore Cantt.
- Gates College of Commerce, 33-A, Main Bulevard, Faisal Town, Lahore
- Govt. APWA College for Women, Lahore
- Govt. Ayesha Degree College for Women, Timber Market, Ravi Road, Lahore.
- Govt. College for Boys, Gulberg, Ferozpur Road, Lahore
- Govt. College for Boys, Model Town, Lahore
- Govt. College for Women, Baghbanpura, Lahore
- Govt. College for Women, Bilal Gunj, Lahore.
- Govt. College for Women, Bund Road, Lahore.
- Govt. College for Women, Gowalmandi, Lahore.
- Govt. College for Women, Gulberg, Lahore.
- Govt. College for Women, Gulshan-e-Ravi, Lahore.
- Govt. College for Women, Mustafabad, Lahore
- Govt. College for Women, Shadbagh, Lahore.
- Govt. College for Women, Township, Lahore
- Govt. College for Women, Wahdat Colony, Lahore
- Govt. College for Women, Wapda Town, Lahore
- Govt. College of Commerce, Hunza Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore.
- Govt. College of Commerce, Kot Lakhpat, 1-C-II, Township, Lahore
- Govt. College of Home Economics, Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore.
- Govt. College of Science, Wahdat Road, Lahore.
- Govt. College of Technology for Women, 2-Lytton Road, Lahore.
- Govt. College, Ravi Road, Shahdara, Lahore
- Govt. College, Township, Lahore.
- Govt. Degree College for Boys, Raiwind, Distt. Lahore
- Govt. Degree College for Special Education, Gulberg-II, Lahore
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Kot Khawaja Saeed, Lahore
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Raiwind, Distt. Lahore
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Shahdara, Lahore
- Govt. Dyal Singh College, Lahore.
- Govt. Fatima Jinnah College for Women, Chuna Mandi, Lahore
- Govt. Institute of Commerce, Shahdara, Lahore.
- Govt. Islamia College for Women, Tufail Road, Lahore Cantt
- Govt. Islamia College of Commerce, Ravi Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore
- Govt. Islamia College, Civil Lines, Lahore
- Govt. Islamia College, Railway Road, Lahore.
- Govt. Jinnah College for Women, Mozang, Lahore
- Govt. Kulliyat-ul-Banat College, 15-Lake Road, Lahore
- Govt. M.A.O. College, Lahore.
- Govt. Model College for Girls, Model Town, Lahore.
- Govt. Shalimar College, Baghbanpura, Lahore
- Govt. Training College for Teachers of Blind, 31-Sher Shah Block, New Garden Town, Lahore.
- Hamza Foundation Academy for the Deaf, 152-J.1, M.A. Johar Town, Lahore.
- Hazrat Ayesha Saddiqa Model Degree College for Women, 01 Nicholson Road, Lahore.
- Himayat-e-Islam College for Women, 119-Multan Road, Lahore
- Himayat-e-Islam College for Women, 4-Sher Shah Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
- Himayat-e-Islam Law College, 119 Multan Road, Lahore.
- Hira College of Commerce, Suggian Bypass, Nainsukh, Lahore.
- IBL College of Commerce, 18-Civic Center, C-Block, Faisal Town, Lahore.
- Ikhwan Science College, Barki,Distt. Lahore.
- Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce, 34-A-1, Peco Road, Township Lahore.
- Lahore College of Commerce, 132, G.T Road Baghbanpura, Lahore.
- Lahore College of Management & Technology, 74-5 Usman Block Garden Town, Lahore
- Lahore Grammar College for Women, 173-Shadman-II, Canal Bank, Lahore.
- Lahore Law College, 6-13-B, Waris Road, Lahore
- Leadership College of Commerce, 18-Block-10, Sector B-1, Near Akbar Chowk, College Road, Township, Lahore.
- Leads Institute of Commerce, 148-P, Gulberg-III, Lahore
- Mansoora Model Degree College, Wahdat Road, Lahore.
- Modern College of Commerce, 10, College Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore.
- Muslim College of Commerce, 39/1-C1, College Road, Township, Lahore
- National College of Management & Design, 31-E-1, Gulberg III, Lahore
- National Law College, 142-Ali Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
- Nisa Girls College of Commerce, Plot # 291, Block # H, Sector, C-1, OPP. Girls High School, Township, Lahore
- Nobel College of Commerce, 2-Race Course Road, Shadman Colony, Lahore.
- Noble College of Business Administration, 28-Aibak Block New Garden Town, Lahore
- NOVA College of Commerce & Information Technology, Tufail Road, Lahore Cantt
- P.R Axis College of Arts & Sciences for Girls, 45-G.T Road, Lahore
- Pak International Model College of Commerce & Science, Duabi Chowk, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore
- Pakistan College of Law, 46-A, Tipu Block, New Garden Town, Lahore.
- Pakistan Degree College of Commerce, 8-College Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore
- Peak Solutions College of Commerce, 447-Shadman Near L.O.S Stop, Lahore
- Punjab College of Commerce & Science, Asal Road, Over Head Bridge, Raiwind, Distt. Lahore.
- Punjab College of Commerce, 161- C, Ferozepur Road, Lahore
- Punjab College of Commerce, 186-Abu Bakar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
- Punjab College of Commerce, 29-Noon Avenue, Lahore.
- Punjab College of Commerce, 314 Riwaz Garden, Chouburji, Lahore
- Punjab College of Commerce, 6-Canal Bank, Lahore
- Punjab College of Commerce, 9-Canal Bank, Lahore
- Punjab College of Science, 151-C, Ferozpur Road, Lahore
- Punjab Law College, 14-C, New Muslim Town, Lahore
- Quaid College of Commerce, Management & Technology, 114-A, New Muslim Town, Wahdat Road, Lahore.
- Quaid-e-Azam College of Accountancy, 95-Ferozpur Road, Ichhra, Lahore
- Quaid-e-Azam College of Commerce, 3-Shara-e-Aiwan-Tijarat, Lahore.
- Quaid-e-Azam College of Management & Commerce, 178-A, Abu Bakar Block, Garden Town, Lahore.
- Quaid-e-Azam Law College, 10-G, Model Town Road, Lahore.
- Queen Marry College, Lahore.
- Queens College of Commerce, 8-H, New Canal Park, Harbanspura, Near Tajbagh pul, Lahore.
- Queens Degree College for Girls, 8-H, New Canal Park, Harbanspura, Near Tajbagh pul, Lahore.
- Qurban Girls College, Walton Road, Lahore Cantt.
- Rise School of Accountancy 12-Aibuk Block, New Garden Town, Near Mughal-e-Azam Shadi Hall, Lahore
- Scholars College of Commerce, Shahr-e-Aiwan-e- Tijarat Lahore.
- Scholars College of Computer Sciences, Shahra-e-Aiwan-e-Tijarat,Lahore.
- School of Advance Business & Commerce, 12-A, New Muslim Town, Lahore.
- School of Advance Business & Commerce, 5/68-Usman Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
- School of Law, 74-B, III, Gulberg-III, Lahore
- Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Medical & Dental College, Lahore
- Shaikha Fatima Institute of Nursing & Health Sciences, Lahore
- Standard College of Commerce, 32-B, New Muslim Town, Wahdat Road, Lahore
- Superior College of Commerce for Women, 30-L, Gulberg-III, Lahore
- Superior College of Commerce, 31-Tipu Block, New Garden Town, Lahore
- Superior College of Law, 23-L, Gulberg -III, Lahore
- Tameer-e-Seerat College of Commerce, Multan Road, Lahore
- The City College of Commerce, 63-C-3, Gulberg-III, Lahore.
- The Global College of Commerce, 3 & 39-Aurangzeb Block, New Garden Town, Lahore.
- The Institute of Legal Studies, 15-Aziz Avenue, Canal Bank, Gulberg V, Lahore.
- The Institute of Management & Emerging Sciences, 105-Garden Block, New Garden Town, Kalma Chowk, Lahore
- The Professionals College, 41-T, Gulberg-II, Lahore
- Toppers Law College, 27-L, Gulberg-III, Lahore
- Wise College for Girls, 48-Main Gulberg, Lahore.
Punjab University Affiliated Colleges In Faisalabad
- Abdul Salam College of Commerce, 251-B, Peoples Colony No. 1, Faisalabad
- Al-Habib College, 35-C-1, Peoples Colony No. 1, Faisalabad
- Dar-e-Arqam College of Commerce, 54-A, Opp. Kaleem Shaheed Park, Narwala Road, Faisalabad
- Faisalabad College of Commerce, 107-2, Peoples Colony, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad
- Faisalabad College of Science, 107-C, Peoples Colony, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad
- Fatima Jinnah College for Women, Tariqabad, Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Elementary Teachers, College Road, Samanabad, Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Elementary Teachers, College Road, Samanabad, Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Women, 266/R.B, Khurrianwala, Distt. Faisalabad.
- Govt. College for Women, D-Type Colony, Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Women, Dijkot, Distt. Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Women, Gulshan Colony, Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Women, Jaranwala, Distt. Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Women, Karkhana Bazar, Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Women, Madina Town, Faisalabad.
- Govt. College for Women, Saifabad, Distt. Faisalabad
- Govt. College for Women, Tandlianwala, Distt. Faisalabad
- Govt. College of Commerce, Abdullahpur, Faisalabad
- Govt. College of Commerce, Peoples Colony No.1, Faisalabad
- Govt. College of Science, Samnabad, Faisalabad
- Govt. College, Jaranwala
- Govt. College, Samanabad, Faisalabad
- Govt. College, Satiana Road, Faisalabad
- Govt. College, Tandlianwala, Distt. Faisalabad
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Chak No 153-R.B, Sahianwala, Distt. Faisalabad
- Govt. Institute of Commerce, Satiana Road, Jaranwala
- Govt. Islamia College for Women, Eidgah Road, Faisalabad.
- Govt. Islamia College, Sargodha Road, Faisalabad
- Govt. Millat Degree College, Ghulam Muhammad Abbad, Faisalabad
- Govt. Muncipal Degree College, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad
- Govt. Postgraduate College of Science, Samnabad, Faisalabad.
- ICON College of Commerce, Building No. P-32, Sadat Park, Jhumra Road, Jaranwala
- ILM College of Commerce, 1-New Gulshan-e-Iqbal, East Canal Road, Faisalabad
- Independent College of Commerce, 178-Jinnah Colony, Faisalabad
- Islamic Science College for Women, 172-G.B, Faisalabad.
- Kingston College of Sciences & Commerce, 126-C, Peoples Colony No.1, Faisalabad
- Lahore College of Education for Science & Commerce, 7-B, West Canal Road, Near Toyota Motors, Faisalabad.
- Lyallpur Law College, 670-A, Peoples Colony, Canal Road, Faisalabad
- M.A Jinnah College of Commerce, 283-Sheikhupura Road, Faisalabad
- M.A Jinnah College of Commerce, 68-Jinnah Colony, Faisalabad
- Madina College of Commerce, P-83, Millat Chowk, Faisalabad
- Mustafai College for Women, Jamia Qadria Rizvia Campus Mustafabad, Sargodha Road, Faisalabad
- Pakistan College of Commerce, 24-A, Faisal Rasheed Road, Peoples Colony No. 1, Faisalabad
- Punjab College of Commerce, 23-A, Batala Colony, Faisalabad
- Punjab College of Commerce, Bypass Canal Road, Jaranwala
- Punjab College of Commerce, Tezab Mill Chowk, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad
- Punjab College of Science, P-404, Tezab Mill Chowk, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad
- Quaid College of Commerce, 9-A, Hassanabad, Peoples Colony No. 1, A-Block, Faisalabad
- School of Advance Business & Commerce, 19-A, Peoples Colony, Faisalabad
- Shiblee College for Women, Madina Town, Faisalabad.
- Shiblee College of Commerce for Women, Gulberg Campus, Faisalabad
- Shiblee College of Commerce, 135-C-1,D-Ground, Peoples Colony, Faisalabad
- Shiblee College of Commerce, Koh-i-Noor Town, Faisalabad
- Sir Syed College of Commerce, Faisalabad Road, Jaranwala.
- Superior College of Commerce, 103-C, Peoples Colony, Faisalabad
- The City College of Commerce, 431-D, Peoples Colony, Faisalabad
- Tips College of Commerce, 644-D Peoples Colony No. 1, Faisalabad
- TIPS College of Commerce, P-30-B, Saeed Colony, Near Kashmir Bridge, Faisalabad
- Tips College of Commerce, P-646-D, Peoples Colony No. 1, Faisalabad
Punjab University Affiliated Colleges In Rawalpindi
- Al-Suffah College of Commerce, Fatima Jinnah Road, Kallar Syedan, Distt. Rawalpindi.
- Capital Law College, 313-A, Murree Road, Rawalpindi
- Civil College of Commerce, 783-F, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi.
- F.G College for Men, Wah Cantt. Distt. Rawalpindi
- F.G Liaqat Ali Degree College for Boys, Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi
- F.G Sir Syed Degree College, The Mall, Rawalpindi
- F.G. College for Women, Abid Majid Road, Rawalpindi.
- F.G. College for Women, Kashmir Road, Rawalpindi
- F.G. Degree College for Men, Wah Cantt.
- F.G. Post Graduate College for Women, Wah Cantt. Distt. Rawalpindi
- F.G. Quaid-e-Azam College, Chaklala-III, Rawalpindi
- F.G. Science Degree College for Men, Wah Cantt.
- Fatima Jinnah Degree College for Women, H.No. CB-125, Lalazar, The Mall, Wah Cantt
- Govt. Gordon College, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Daultala, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Dhoke Hassu, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Dhoke Mangtal, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Dhoke Ratta, Rawalpindi.
- Govt. College for Women, F-Block, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Gawalmandi, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Gujar Khan, Distt. Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Kahuta, Distt. Rawalpindi.
- Govt. College for Women, Kallar Sayedan, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Kashmir Road, Rawalpindi Cantt.
- Govt. College for Women, Mohan Pura, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Murree Road, Rawalpindi.
- Govt. College for Women, Murree.
- Govt. College for Women, Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College for Women, Wah Cantt.
- Govt. College of Commerce, Murree
- Govt. College of Commerce, Saidpur Scheme No. 2, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College, Kahuta, Distt. Rawalpindi.
- Govt. College, Murree, Rawalpindi
- Govt. College, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College for Boys, Kallar Sayeda, Distt. Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College for Women, B-Block Satellite Town, Rawalpindi.
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Dhoke Elahi Baksh, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Dhoke Kala Khan, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Jhanda Chichi, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Muslim Town, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Taxila, Distt. Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College for Women, Zafar-ul-Haq, Dhoke Hukam Dad, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Degree College, Murree. Distt. Rawalpindi.
- Govt. Degree College, Taxila, Distt. Rawalpindi
- Govt. Girls Degree College, Khayaban-e-Sir Syed, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Hashmat Ali Islamia Degree College, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Postgraduate College Asghar Mall, Rawalpindi
- Govt. Postgraduate College for Women, 6th Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi.
- Govt. S.S Degree College, Gujar Khan, Distt. Rawalpindi
- Govt. Viqar-un-Nisa College for Women, Rawalpindi
- HIT Degree College, Taxila Cantt.
- Horizon College for Girls, The Mall, Wah Cantt.
- Ilqa Postgraduate Girls College, Rahimabad, Airport Road, Chaklala Cantt Rawalpindi
- Indus College of Commerce, Guliana More, Gujar Khan
- Indus College of Science & Commerce, DK.33-A, Data Gunj Bakhsh Road, Dhoke Kashmirian, Rawalpindi
- Islamabad College of Management & Commerce, 273-A-I, Abid Majeed Road, Rawalpindi
- Jinnah College of Commerce, A-05, Lala Rukh, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt. Distt. Rawalpindi
- Jinnah Institute of Informatics & Commerce, 31-D, 6th Road Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Jinnah Institute of Informatics & Commerce, 470-D, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce, 65-A (99-B), Satellite Town, Rawalpndi [ B.Com Ext. not granted for 2009-10]
- Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce, NA-371, 7th Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Khadija Umar Govt. College for Women, Tench Bhatta, Rawalpindi
- Leadership College of Commerce, Sadiqabad Road, Chandni Chowk, 47-C-II, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Muslim Law College, 74-A, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Orient International Commerce College, National Market, Satelite Town, Rawalpindi
- Pakistan Institute of Legal Studies, 34-F, Zummard Block, Distt. Courts, Rawalpindi
- Punjab College of Commerce, 661-Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi Cantt.
- Punjab College of Commerce, 6th Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Punjab College of Commerce, D/464-6th Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi.
- Punjab College of Commerce, G.T. Road, Gujar Khan
- Punjab College of Excellence in Commerce, 59-17-A, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt.
- Punjab College of Information Technology, B-1372, Commercial Market, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Punjab Law College, F-749, 6th Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Raees-ul-Ahrar College of Commerce, 99-A, 6th Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Rawal College of Commerce, 296-B, Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi
- Rawalpindi Cantt College of Commerce, 400-2/A, Chour Chowk, Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi Cantt
- Rawalpindi Cantt. College of Commerce, 1-Sarwar Road, Near Station Headquarters, Rawalpindi Cantt.
- Rawalpindi College of Commerce, 147-C, Murree Road, Rawalpindi Cantt.
- Rawalpindi College of Commerce, 304-D-Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi Cantt.
- Rawalpindi College of Commerce, A-30, Lala Rukh, The Mall, Wah Cantt.
- Rawalpindi College of Commerce, F-746, Siddiqui Chowk, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Rawalpindi Law College, 746-F, Satellite Town, Siddique Chowk, Saidpurr Road, Rawalpindi
- Rawalpindi Model College of Commerce, C-55, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
- Scholars Cantt College of Commerce, 36-A, Atta-ul-Haq Road, Westridge-1, Rawalpindi Cantt. [ B.Com Ext. not granted for 2010-11]
- Scholars Cantt. College of Commerce, 23-B, Satelite Town, Rawalpindi
- Sir Syed Academy of Special Education, Muhammad Hussain Road, Rawalpindi Cantt.
- SKANS School of Accountancy, H, No. 113-C, Saadi Road, Sadar Rawalpindi
- Superior College of Commerce, 34-B, Satellite Town, Chandni Chowk, Rawalpindi
- Wah College of Accountancy, CB-15, Street # 1, Gujwal Morr The Mall, Wah Cantt
- Zahoor-ul-Islam Girls Degree College, Near Railway Station Gujar Khan, Distt Rawalpindi
- Zarghoona College for Women, Wah Cantt
Punjab University Affiliated Colleges In Islamabad
- College of Commerce Sultana Foundation, Lathrar Road, Farash Town, Islamabad.
- East & West Law College, H # 18, St # 60, Sector F-11-4, Islamabad
- F.G Margala College for Women, F-7/4, Islamabad.
- F.G. College of Home Economics & Management Science, F 7/2, Islamabad
- F.G. Fatima Jinnah Degree College for Women, Humak, Islamabad.
- Fatima Ghani College of Education, Farash Town, Lathrar Road, Islamabad
- Federal College of Education, Sector H-9, Islamabad
- Federal Govt. College for Men No.2 Sector-H-9 Islamabad.
- Federal Govt. College for Men, F-10/4, Islamabad.
- Federal Govt. College of Commerce, H-8/4, Islamabad.
- Islamabad College for Boys, G-6-3, Islamabad
- Islamabad College of Management & Commerce, F-7/1, 16-Nizam-ud-din Road, Islamabad.
- Islamabad Commerce College for Women, F-10-3, St. 65, Islamabad
- Islamabad Model College for Boys, F-10/4, Islamabad.
- Islamabad Model College for Boys, H-9, Islamabad
- Islamabad Model College for Girls Humak (F.A), Islamabad.
- Islamabad Model College for Girls, (Postgraduate) No. 2, F-7-4, Islamabad.
- Islamabad Model College for Girls, F-10/2, Islamabad
- Islamabad Model College for Girls, F-7/2, Islamabad
- Islamabad Model College for Girls, G-10/4, Islamabad.
- Islamabad Model College for Girls, St# 25, F-6/2, Islamabad.
- Islamabad Model Postgraduate College H-8, Islamabad
- O.P.F Girls College, F-8, 2, Islamabad
- Prince Suleman College of Professional Education, Farash Town, Lethrar Road, Islamabad.
- Princess Sultana Degree College for Women, Farash Town, Lehtrar Road, Islamabad.
- Punjab College of Commerce, Shahra-e-Soharwardy, Aabpara, Islamabad.
- Women’s Institute of Science and Humanities, Plot. 50, Street No. 5 Faiz ahmed Faiz Road, H-8-2, Islamabad.
These are listed grasped by the official news and explanation that are going to make the association institute wise. The list made here comes from different sources and has compiled it in the best way. You will associate yourself as per the defined rules and regulations under the suspected wayout to know the ideas being explained. The material wise textual response required here through the comment box.
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