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Cadet College Jhang Admission 2025 Entry Test Result

It is to inform you that Cadet College Jhang Admission 2025 is open now and you can apply for admissions online here. Admissions are open from 6th to 9th class and all the willing students have to send their admission form through a proper channel. Eligible candidates will have to attend an entry test. Those who will pass the entry test will be called for a medical, physical, and mental test, and then after the final interview candidate will take Admission to Cadet College Jhang. You are also informed that if any admission form is filed incorrectly or received after passing the last date will not be entertained by the college. Officials of this school have issued the advertisement for inviting the admission form through the newspaper which is also been uploaded here on this page below. So if you are interested to get admission to cadet college Jhang, then keep on reading this post to get further details about the admissions.

Cadet College Jhang Admission 2025

Now, cadet college JhanG admission 2025 has been announced and you can apply online before the last date that has not been announced by the official, as well as those candidates who do not know the procedure online, can download the application form and submit it to the given address. On the other hand, the fee structure now exists online. So have a look down and check the criteria for the admission fee.

Cadet College Jhang Online Registration

Apply Online

Cadet College Jhang online registration is now open and can register themselves for quality of education. On the other hand, click on the apply online option, and then the registration form will appear on your screen. You will fill invalid information and upload the documentation according to the institute’s needs.

Cadet College Jhang Admission 2020 Entry Test Result

Cadet College Jhang Admission Form

Click Here

Click on above the link and download the Cadet College Jhang Admission Form from this page. But most important when students submit the admission form then they do not give the complete documentation according to the institute’s needs. Then the management of the cadet college Jhang cancels the admission and does not proceed further. So before submitting the admission form one time must check the documentation and then submit it to the admission office.

Cadet College Jhang Age Limit

Class VI Between 10.5 to 12
Class VII Between 12 to 13
Class VIII Between 13 to 14
Class IX Between 14 to 15

Cadet College Jhang Entry Test Result

After the closing of admissions, a written test will be taken from the candidates. The test will be made from the textbook board. Those students who will pass the test will be called for an interview and medical. So, it is compulsory for the students to pass all the tests to get admission.

So, this was all about the admission 2025 to the college. We will also provide the entry test results for admission as the officials will announce them very soon. I hope you are all eligible for this admission and going to online registration at Cadet College Jhang and will get admission to the college. For any questions, visit the comment section.

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