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Edwardes College Peshawar Admission 2025 1st Year Merit List

Your matric Result has been announced and you have passed these exams with good grades now you are searching for taking admission in 1st year! Then Edwardes College Peshawar Admission 2025 1st Year Merit List is open now and inviting application forms from boys and girls (coeducation) for 1st-year admission to F.A, FSc (pre-medical/ engineering), and ICS. Edwardes College Peshawar will collect applications and after a complete analysis of each form, it will display merit lists on the college’s 1st-year admission boundary wall on the prescribed date schedule. Those candidates whose name exists on the merit list will be called for an interview in which candidates have to answer questions about their previous academic syllabus. Those candidates who qualify in this interview and his/ her marks meet the required merit will be entertained by the ECP Admission.

Edwardes College Peshawar Admission 2025

Here in this post, you will get all about Edwardes College Peshawar admission 1st-year merit list, eligibility, date schedule, and rules and regulations. If you want to be a part of this well-ranked and well-reputed college in Peshawar then you have to read this entire post attentively and make sure that you are eligible for this admission or not. If you see that you are eligible for this admission then you are hereby recommended that you must perform further tasks within the due date and time. So that you can be entertained with the admission. Any activity performed after the last date will not be a procedure in any case.

Admission Last Date Final List of Selected Candidates Apply Online
07 September 2025 9 September 2025 Click Here

Edwardes College Peshawar Admission 2025

Edwardes College Peshawar Admission 2025 Programs

  • A. (Arts Group)
  • FSc Pre Medical (Science Group)
  • FSc Pre Engineering (Science Group)
  • ICS (Computer Science Group)

Eligibility Criteria of Edwardes College Peshawar

  • Candidates who have clear matric or equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks from any BISE-recognized school or privately
  • Hafiz-e-Quran students are also eligible for this admission on reserved seats
  • Those students who apply before the last date are eligible.

Admission Procedure

You have to obtain an admission form from the Admin Office Block, Jheel Road forms starting date and time to the ending date and time. After obtaining the admission form fill it in fully and attach your SSC result certificate, Character Certificate, and Father or guardian’s ID card Photocopy, and resubmit your complete form to the same office before the last date by hand. Application forms other than by hand will not be accepted.

Edwardes College Peshawar Merit List 2025

Final Merit List Click Here

They will announce the merit list in the month of 9 September 2025. On the other hand, all the candidates will enroll on a merit basis. So all the candidates would check their names on September 2025. Furthermore, all the admissions will be done on a merit basis.

Hence this is all about “Edwardes College Peshawar Admission and 1st Year Merit List”. I hope that this post proves very helpful and convenient for you in order to take Admission to Edwardes College Peshawar in  1st year FA, FSc, ICS (arts, science, and computer science group). But if still, you have any confusion you can leave your comment in the following comment box; I will reply to you as soon as possible.


  1. Dear Sir,

    pre.medical admission how many marks required for ist year admission.
    character certificate must for admission as private school not providing
    at the movment can submitt latter.
    appriciate your advise.

    shayan s/o.haqsar khan


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