KMU Institute of Medical Sciences KIMS Kohat Admission 2025 has now opened MBBS & BDS for all those candidates who have cleared their Intermediate level examination and were also present in the entry test taken by the Khyber Medical University. So students if you want to take Admission to the KMU Institute of Medical Sciences KIMS then here on this page you will get all the relevant information that is required for you to know so read this article carefully. First of all, let me have a little introduction to KIMS Kohat as KIMS Kohat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan is a public sector Medical College that was established in 2006. KMU KIMS since its inception offered students of the nation a five-year degree program in the MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) along with a four-year degree program in Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS). All the medical and dental courses offered in the KIMS are approved by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDS). Every Year KMU Institute of Medical Sciences Offers 100 seats to the students of the MBBS and 50 seats to the students of BDS. This Medical college is affiliated with the Khyber Medical College Peshawar.
KMU Institute of Medical Sciences KIMS Kohat Admission 2025 MBBS, BDS
KMU Institute of Medical Sciences KIMS Kohat Admission 2025 MBBS, BDS has announced the complete schedule and those people who were waiting now can apply for enrollment firstly they will appear in the entry test that will be conducted by the KMU. Because this institute is affiliated with this organization. So, the online apply button is mentioned and after clicking just you will provide valid information.
Applications on the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates having domicile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / FATA / PATA for admission in 1st year MBBS / BDS Program for the session of 2025 Application form along with the prospectus is available on this page so if you want to get admission in KMU then you have to submit the application form to the admission office on right time before the last date of submission.
Eligibility Criteria:
- All those candidates who have cleared their Intermediate by FSc Pre Medical and secured at least 60% marks in the annual examination
- All those students who have appeared in the Entry Test taken by the ETEA and KMU Institute of Medical Sciences KIMS Kohat Admission 2025
Prospectus Along with Admission form:
other than that you can collect the admission form from the admission office of the University. Then after completing the admission form with all the detail, it requires attaching all your educational documents along with a demand draft of Rs. 2500/- in the name of Treasurer Khyber Medical University and submit it to the admission office before the last date of submission of the application form.
Admission Schedule:
Availability of Admission form on |
Will Update Soon |
Last date for submission of admission Forms | Will Update Soon |
Medical Board of Disabled Candidates | Will Update Soon |
Hifz-e-Quran Test | Will Update Soon |
Receipt of appeals by disqualified candidates from Hifz-e-Quran and Disabled |
Will Update Soon |
Appellate committee meeting for Disabled/Hifz-e-Quran candidates |
Will Update Soon |
Display of provisional merit list | Will Update Soon |
Submission of objections/claims regarding provisional merit list |
Will Update Soon |
Meeting of appellate Scrutiny Committee for objections/ claims/complaints |
Will Update Soon |
Display of final merit list | Will Update Soon |
Placement on open merit and General Self Finance quota seats MBBS/BDS |
Will Update Soon |
Placement of candidates on special quota seats (Foreign Self Finance, OPF, Ex-FATA/NMDs, Disables, Minorities, APS and Afghan Nationals seats. |
Will Update Soon |
Commencement of Classes | Will Update Soon |
As it is clearly mentioned in the above advertisement there is a total of 100 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for BDS so candidates it is clear that only those students who will get their name on the merit list will be able to get admission to the KMU Institute of Medical Sciences KIMS Kohat Admission 2025. So do submit your application before the last date as the application received after the last date should not be entertained.
can i get admision in BDS .my agregate is 60.82….. plzz tell me
sir my aggregat is 70.29….as there any chance 4 me in bds open merit
My open merit no is 216 can i get admission at KIMS in mbbs
My agregade is 71.88 is there any chance of admission??????
My aggregate is 72.99 .is there is any chance in mbbs openly
Is there any chance of my admisn in open mbbs…….agregte 72.87
Sir my agregrate iz 71.33 is there any chance n mbbs or bds plz reply soon plzzzz…
sir mara aggretae—70.81 percent hy, kia mera admission bds ya mbbs mn merit py possible hy??
sir where is hafiz e QURAAN List 2014 for kims
can we submit the admision form throug fax in kohat medical college?
my agr. is 72.87 is their any chance of my admission in kims in open merit
i have submitted application forms for mbbs and bds with bank draft but my name was not mentioned in merit list..etea id 1857 marks344 aggregate 64.8…sir plz inform me
sir what about me… my merit,list S.NO s 192, aggregate s 71.95, pleas snd me current prograss…
sir bds ka interview kab hai
mine agregate is 66.89 can i get admision in bds open in kims??
Its Difficult
hmm ok 🙁
my agregate is 66.99 can i get admision in bds open in kims???
please send me mbbs and bds self merit list
plzz tell me about closing merit of mbbs at kims??
sir ,kims mai last person ketne agrigat par huwa open our self b btao plzzz sir
Sir kims me mera merit position 291 with 71.28 agregate open merit per mbbs my koiy chance hy
sir mujhy kohat medical college ka phone number chahiye?????????????????
(0922) 9260325
sir with 72.67 whts my chance in open merit mbbs othr thn kims
has any there chance for aggregate of 69.91
No dear.. It is too difficult..
my aggregate is 69.84.can i get admision in mbbs kims .
with 72.67 agregate …whts my chance in kims kohat open merit???
my aggregate is 71.83,is there any chance for me to get admission in kims on open merit.please reply
sir meri sister ke 68.80 percentage ha kia us ka chance benta ha bds ya self pa plzzzzzz rep soon
A Little Difficult hai..
Sir 21 octuber 2013 merit list display nahi ho raha.error ata hay.
Now check…
sir plz display kims kohat provisional mbbs merit list 2013 on yours site, aaj 21 oct ko display kia gaya he.Tnku
Now Check.. It is uploaded
sir mera aggregat 70.40 he and merit positon kims me 619 he is there any chance 4 me n mbbs open merit
Sir kims merit list is diplayd today but it z not availabl on ur website.plz dislay it as soon as posible