Searching for Punjab University PU private BA subjects list? If yes then you are here on the right page to get all the list of BA Private in Punjab University. So if you are among those candidates who are going to grow their higher education with arts in graduation then you have various options in subjects you can choose in your Bachelor in Arts BA. Candidates you are advised to choose those subjects which are suitable for your mind and which you can easily understand and study. In the Pakistani educational system, the BA is the very first easy subject that lies in the standard of Graduation and Punjab University has made it easier to gain privately. The Punjab University has launched this facility for those candidates who might not pay their full time to their studies due to any job or any student who cannot afford the expenses of their studies. So if you are also among such candidates then you are suggested to choose to get your admission form and fill in dully and choose any of the three optional subjects besides the compulsory three subjects. The following list will show you the entire subject from which you can choose your three optional subjects.
Punjab University Private BA Subjects List
Students who want to take Admission to Punjab University in BA Courses now seeking the complete list of all Subjects subjective and elective. Have a look down and get more info about the subjects list.
PU BA Private Subjects List
Punjab University offers the subjects for Bachelor in Arts BA as follows for private candidates.
Arabic | Applied Psychology |
Bengali | Biochemistry |
Botany | Chemistry |
Computer Studies | Economics |
Education | English Literature |
Fine Arts | French |
Geography | Geology |
German | History |
Hindi | Home Economics |
Health & Physical Education | Islamic Studies |
Italian | Journalism |
Kashmiryat | Library & Information Science |
Mathematics A Course | Mathematics B Course |
Mathematics General | Music |
Persian | Philosophy |
Physics | Political Science |
Punjabi | Russian |
Social Work | Sociology |
Space Science | Spanish |
Statistics | Turkish |
Urdu | Women Studies |
Zoology |
Arabic | Applied Psychology |
Astronomy | Bengali |
Economics | English Literature |
Fine Arts | French |
Geography | German |
History | Home Economics |
Islamic Studies | Italian |
Journalism | Mathematics |
Kashmiryat | Library & Information Science |
Music | Persian |
Philosophy | Political Sciences |
Punjabi | Russian |
Sindhi | Sociology |
Spanish | Statistics |
Social Work | Turkish |
Urdu |
Well, these are the list of Compulsory and elective Punjab University Private BA Subjects List, You have to choose the exact 3 subjects according to your own choice and mind from these subjects. Stay connected with this page to get any other educational updates about any educational activity.
BA mai Math optional hota ha ya elective?
I heard that you can also complete BA degree within 6 months. If anyone has some information about this fast track then kindly inform me.
agr hum axdmy say BA kary to kya hum computer subject rakh sakty hain kya
Mehak agr F.A me Computer Na rakha ho kia tab b ham B.A Computers k sath kr saktay hain ?