If you want to prepare for Cadet College admissions, then Cadet College Entry Test Preparation Academies List are available here on our site. Every year the Cadet College entry test is taken in different areas of the Pakistan. Cadet College is one of the top and well known colleges in the Pakistan. This college was firstly based in Jhang. In this article we are going to give you details of entire Cadet College entry test preparation academies lists here and also give you detail about the academies in which the preparation of Cadet College entry test is going to take place. We have provided all the information about Cadet College entry test preparation academies lists and many others. In Cadet College nursery to metric hostel is also available. Scroll down and check all the details about these academies.
Cadet College Entry Test Preparation Academies List
There are many academies and colleges in which you can do preparation of Cadet College test. You can get details about Cadet College Preparation Academy in Pakistan here. There are several academies and they are offering these facilities where you can prepare according to the requirements. So, check details about these academies below.
Cadet College Preparation Academy in Lahore:
Academy Name | Location | Apply for Admission | Contact |
Ghazi Cadet Academy | Street no 2 rifle range road Kory stop, Walton Road, Lahore, Pakistan | CLICK HERE | 0333 4306582 |
Punjab Cadet Academy | 1-Zeenat Block, Opposite Bajwa Hospital, Adjacent Faisal bank, Near Bismillah Chowk, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan | Visit academy | 0300 4210492 |
Cadet College Entry Test Preparation Academy in Rawalpindi and Islamabad
Academy Name | Location | Apply for Admission | Contact |
Pasban Forces Academy | Mehboob Plaza, Liaquat Colony Stop Main, Chakri Road Dhamial Camp, Rawalpindi, 46000 | CLICK HERE |
Foundation Pre-Cadet School & Academy |
CLICK HERE | 0317 5133565 |
Zawiya Academy |
CLICK HERE | +92 (0)51 596 0326 |
Cadet College Preparation Academy in Karachi:
Academy Name | Location | Apply for Admission | Contact |
Sir Saddar Hussain’s Cadet College Preparation Academy | House # LS-21, Central Government Society, Block 10A Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, 75300 | Visit academy | 0333 3343489 |
These academies are offering you the preparation of Cadet College entry test. As we know there are lot of cadet colleges in Pakistan, Cadet Colleges are special institutions in Pakistan. In the vey beginning these were built in the East Pakistan after then they got spread in many cities of Pakistan. The first fully fledged residential cadet college was built in Hassanbdal, Punjab in the year of 1954. So for the preparation of the entrance test of Cadet College there are many universities and colleges in which you can be prepared for the cadet college test.
So, that’s all about Cadet College Entry Test Preparation Academies List. Hopefully, you got the details about these colleges. Check more details about these colleges with us.