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NUST Entry Test Syllabus 2025 and Sample Paper

Here you can find the National University of Sciences and Technology NUST Entry Test Syllabus 2025 and Sample Paper so why should waste your precious time somewhere else come to this page you find every solution to your problems. Here on this page, you can have a sample paper as well as past papers so that your mind will be clear before going for the entrance test at NUST University. NUST University is like a dream for the students as in a very short time of spam this University has reached the height of fame and priority. Nowadays student prefers this University to all other universities in Pakistan and this is just because of the quality education provided by the highly qualified and experienced staff of the University.

NUST Entry Test Syllabus 2025 and Sample Paper

But students do not worry as on this page you can find both the sample papers now it does not matter that it is computer-based or Paper-based. The only difference between these two tests is that in a computer-based you will solve your entrance test exam while sitting in front of the computer and a paper-based entrance test is like all other conventional entrance tests in that you have to write the answer the sheet with the help of a pen. In addition, the NUST entry test syllabus for computer science and the NUST entry test syllabus for social sciences is going to be listed below.

NUST Entry Test Syllabus 2025 and Sample Paper

General Knowledge Questions About Pakistan

NUST Entry Test Syllabus 2025ย 

NET is a 200-mark paper that is based on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The student has to attempt all these questions within 3 hours. It means that a student has 180 minutes to attempt 200 MCQs.

Maths 80 MCQs
Physics 60 MCQs
Chemistry 30 MCQs
English 20 MCQs
Intelligence 10 MCQs

Every year NUST offers admission in various programs under the various departments and students who got more than 60% in the Intermediate exams are eligible to apply for admission. Students from all over Pakistan apply for admission but the admission is not so easy there as NUST conducts an entrance test exam on the main campus of each city whether it is Islamabad, Karachi, or Rawalpindi and only those students who pass the entrance exam will able to get admission there. Two types of entrance exams will be conducted at the NUST and they will be

  • Computer-based NUST Entrance Test
  • Paper-Based NUST Entrance Test

We hope that these NUST Entry Test Sample Papers And Past Papers will help you in clearing your entrance test so do have a look at these sample papers before going for the entrance test on the University Campus of the National University of Science & technology.


  1. guyz guide me…how I prepare forv NUMS.i did not given first one…so I v no idea for NUMS preparation..lets guide me about it..

  2. Comment:mai 2nd year pre engeneering mai hu ,aur maira 1st year chemistry practicl clear nahe ha,tw kya mai 2nd aur 3rd test dai skta hu.aur iska kya procedure hoga

  3. Plz anybody help me I want to information about nust form last date and its books for prepare net test plzzzzzz

  4. aoa plz koi mjhy ye inform kar day ga k taqreeban ktnay marks waly ka nust test clear ho jata hay 4r the daughter of army officer

  5. jgrz take a chill pill nust test is like abc so dnt take tention though k nust k test clear ho jata hai pr admisssion nai milta q k sirf 50 seats hai or un ki first priority army k students hotay hai so if u r not son or daughter of an army officer’general’major or some1 else related to army then it is totally ur fault

  6. i wana need proper info of entry tst of eng. held in june or july cnfrmed date and also wana to know about regestration….. plz help me


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