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UHS Lahore Postgraduate Entry Test 2025

University of Health Sciences UHS Lahore has announced the Date for the UHS Lahore Postgraduate Entry Test 2025 according to the official announcement the entrance test would be in the month of October for the new session of 2025 so here is the complete detail with the registration procedure and all other relevant information which you need to know. So all those candidates who want to be a part of the University of Health Sciences Postgraduate programs can apply before the given above date and then the test will be taken and if the candidates clear the entry test then admission will be granted to that student. The entrance test is not so tough as there is just a single question paper that is comprised of 100 MCQ’s questions and there are 2 full hours allowed for the student to complete his or her test. There are three programs in the post graduate and that are MPhil Dental Science, MPhil Basic Sciences, and Basic PGD (DCP and DMJ).

UHS Postgraduate Entry Test 2025

University of Health Sciences was inaugurated in the year 2002 and now this is the only responsible authority that conducts the Medical College Entry Test (MCAT) for all the students of Punjab. According to the Higher Education Commission HEC which is the only higher education Regulatory body of Pakistan University of Health Sciences Lahore is declared to be the top Medical University in Pakistan so if you want to get admission to the postgraduate programs then you have to clear the entry test so here is the complete detail of the UHS Lahore Postgraduate Entry Test 2025.

The University of Health Sciences (UHS) Lahore shall conduct the Entrance Test for admission to postgraduate courses for the session. it is mandatory for a candidate desirous of admission to any postgraduate program being offered on campus or at any affiliated institutions of the University, to appear in the said test:

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UHS Lahore Postgraduate Entry Test 2018

Format of Entrance Test:

there shall be a single question paper comprising 100 multiple questions (MCQ’s). The total time allowed for the test shall be two hours.

Process of Registration:

  • The candidates are required to register for the test at the concerned institution where they wish to get admission
  • The respective institutions shall submit the detail of applicants to UHS Lahore Postgraduate Entry Test 2025 with clear identification of each category I.e Clinical and Basic Group with their subjects or specialty of choice (hard and soft form) till one hour before the test starts on 2025 Before closing hours.
  • All the candidates are required to reach the University of Health Sciences Lahore, One hour before the start of their respective test in 2025, Along with their original CNIC.
  • The roll number slips shall be issued on the spot.

UHS Shall conduct only one entrance test for admission to postgraduate courses for the session 2025, which will be held in Dec. No other test for the same courses shall be held this year.


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