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CTI Final Merit List 2025 for Male and Female

Recently,  Higher Education Commission announced the lecturer seats in different colleges across Punjab and many of the candidates have applied and now they are waiting for the merit list. So, CTI Final Merit List 2025 for Male and Female are going to announce according to the schedule that is going to mention below the table. On the other hand, firstly they will announce the short-listed candidates who are eligible for the test then they will send the interview call letter. According to an advertisement, when the merit list will announce and your name will not come on the merit list while you are eligible then you can submit the complaint against the merit list to the deputy director of the college and they act against your application. So first temporary merit list has been announced and people can check from the nearest college further details about CTI Final Merit List 2025 for Males and Females are going to mention below.

CTI Final Merit List 2025 for Male and Female

CTI Final Merit List 2025 for Males and Females will announce soon and those candidates who have appeared in the temporary merit list will appear in an interview while other candidates who can not meet the criteria will be out of this race the further schedule of merit list is going to mention in below.

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Merit List Will Announce Soon
Complain  Send to Deputy Director Against Merit List Will Announce Soon
Final Merit List Will Announce Soon
Interview for Shortlisted Candidates Will Announce Soon
Successful Candidates List Will Announce Soon
Final Merit List Will Announce Soon

CTI Final Merit List 2021 for Male and Female

CTIs merit list schedule is mentioned above the table and you can gather all information regarding them from this advertisement. According to a government representative, these vacancies are not permanent because some people think that these are permanent jobs but according to advertise the tenure of these jobs is just only 4 months, and after a 4-month contract will be canceled by the government.

They will conduct the interview as soon and after completing this process they will shortlist the candidates and release the final merit list for those candidates who will qualify for an interview. In the end, just only those people who will join as a lecturer will appear in the final merit list while other candidates will be out of this race. Moreover, after completing the duration, they will issue the special certificate to the lecturer while other information about CTI Final Merit List 2025 for Males and females is mentioned on the official page. As well as after clicking on the link official page of CTIs will open on your screen.

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