If you want to be Admission to the MBBS or BDS Program in the Sindh Medical Colleges then view the Sindh Medical Colleges Merit List 2025-2024 MBBS, BDS Final, and Provincial of all the Public and Private Sector Medical and Dental Colleges of the Province Sindh from this page easily as this page will be provided a list of all the Medical Colleges and when you click on your desired Medical college of Sindh then you will be forwarded towards the merit List of that college. Students whether you know it or not there are a total of 21 Medical and Dental Colleges in Sindh and all these are Recognized Medical Colleges from PMDC which is the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.
Sindh Medical Colleges Merit List 2025-2024 MBBS, BDS
That is why candidates there is no need to go anywhere else just stay in touch with this page and get all the latest updates because as soon as the officials declare the Sindh Medical Colleges Merit List 2025 this page will be your best and authentic source could provide you that so have a look down on the complete list of all Medical and Dental Colleges of Sindh.
Public Medical Colleges in Sindh Merit List 2025:
Private Medical Colleges in Sindh Merit List
Well in these 18 colleges, there are 10 public Sector medical colleges and the remaining 8 are private sector Medical Colleges. The entry test of all the Public Sector Medical Colleges in Sindh is taken by the PMC Pakistan Medical Commission and private medical colleges conduct the Entry test for MBBS and BDS by their own management. No matter you are applying for a Public sector or Private Sector Medical college one thing that is for sure is that you must have to appear and clear the pre-admission entry test by the University if you want to take Admission because if you are not able to clear the Admission test then in the announced Sindh Medical Colleges Merit List 2025-2024 MBBS, BDS your name will not be listed which clearly indicates that you are not able to take admission.
So now students if you want to get Sindh Medical Colleges Merit List 2025-2024 MBBS, BDS then what you simply have to do is just click on the name of the University you want to get, and then the merit list of that specific college will be in front of you. This page is designed especially for all the students who want to get admission to the Medical and Dental Colleges of Pakistan so that they do not have to waste any more time and could get the exact information for what they are looking for.
cota seat available .i am from lahore I want to get admission in BDS in coat base
Can tell how open merit works? how would they distribute seats for all unis in Sindh? plzz
any body got admission in sindh govt medical college. who belongs to other province ? and plz tell me criteria for other province or kia kpk k students k liye kotta seat hain
I’m from Lahore , Punjab.
Have any set for Punjab people?
My fsc marks are 85%
merit for admission in