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Punjab University LLB Exams Schedule Annual 2025

Punjab University LLB Exams Schedule Annual 2025 For Part 1, 2, 3 is declared by the official, and in this notice, you can find the complete details of the form submission with the single and double fee along with the exam commencement date. College of Law is one of the old colleges of Punjab University as the classes LLB started in the PU in 1968 and just after two years of classes, students have a choice of English and Urdu too to choose from. All the supervision of the law faculty is under the dean of the college who is Prof. Dr. Liaqat Ali. The purpose of the law colleges of Punjab University is to provide quality education and to produce well-trained law graduates who will be capable of taking on the responsibilities of the future. Punjab University is the biggest and oldest university in Pakistan as it was established before independence and after independence, it is a part of Pakistan. The year 1882 was the year when Punjab University (PU) was declared to be a different identity and is responsible for taking the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate examinations from all the colleges that come under its supervision and now the Punjab University LLB Exams Schedule Annual is announced so all the students who enrolled themself for the annual examination can get it from here.

Punjab University LLB Exams Schedule Annual 2025

Will Announce Soon…

If you are getting the education in LLB and finding the exam schedule so now according to the latest statement of Punjab University exam schedule will be announced as soon and those candidates who are living in Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sargodha, and some other regions now they can now check the exam center because the management of the Punjab University has made the exam center and no need to come in Lahore for the exam. While those people who are living in Lahore will come to the Punjab University examination center.

Punjab University LLB Exams Schedule Annual 2025

Punjab University PU LLB Admission Form

PU LLB Part 1, 2, 3 Date Sheet

Fee Structure
Regular Students
Late College and Private Students
LL.B Part-I & II
Rs. 6,510/-
Rs. 6,610/-
Rs. 7,260/-
Rs. 7,360/-

If we want to undertake the law annual exams under the supervision of the Punjab University then you have to follow these dates as these are the official dates declared tomorrow. According to this notice, the Punjab University LLB Exams Schedule Annual will commence on those dates mentioned above while management will conduct all exams on time. So be careful because if you miss the exam then you will face some problems.


    1. but this news is very bad for me its spoil my all time table which i make for llb part papers so dont happy i am disapointed from this news


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