If you are looking for Cadet College Sargodha Entry Test Result 2025 Check Online, then it is the best page that will help you. The officials have announced the list of successful candidates in the entry test. So, if you have also appeared in that test, then it is compulsory for you to have your name on this list. This cadet college is a boarding school that was established in 1951 and started operating in 1953. It is working under the supervision of the Pakistan Air Force. It takes a pre-admission entry test for admission and also conducts interviews too. So, check out the list of the passed candidates in the test.
Cadet College Sargodha Entry Test Result 2025
Now you can check the www.paf college sargodha.com.pk result 2025, PAF College Sargodha Result 2025 successful candidates. Recently, PAF College Sargodha Final Merit List 2025 will be announced in the month of September because they have taken the entry test from candidates on 22 August 2025. Further, 1 week after the test result, they will properly announce it. On the other hand, when they announce the result we will share it on this page.
Click Here
www.pafcollegesargodha.com.pk Result 2025 Check Online
Click Here- The result is uploaded and you can check it by visiting the link given above.
- So, you have to just click it and visit. To check the result, you may know your roll number because the result is in the form of roll numbers.
- Successful students in the test will be able to get admission to this institute.
- Those students who fail the entry test will not be allowed to take Admission to the Cadet College Sargodha.
- Shortlisted students also have to pass the interview too which will be arranged by the college.
- If you have any questions, then visit the comment section.
PAF College Sargodha is one of the best institutes that is working in Pakistan under the supervision of the Pakistan Army. As well as when they announce the admission one thing is clear all the enrollments will be on a merit basis. So the administration of PAF has taken the test from candidates and now they are preparing the entry test result. Just only those candidates will join this session who will appear on the merit list while other candidates will be out of this competition.