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FC College Lahore Merit List 2025 Forman Christian

Searching for Forman Christian FC College Lahore Merit List 2025 then here on this page you can get merit lists of all programs offered in FC. Forman Christian College Lahore announces detailed Forman Christian College FCC College Lahore Merit lists 2025 here. Lahore, Forman Christian College (FCC) Lahore officials will display the merit lists according to the given below schedule so also on that day, this page will be updated to provide you merit list while sitting at home. Forman Christian FC College was established in 1864 and from that day until now it is a symbol of excellence that is producing leaders who serve the community. With the passage of time, new courses were included in the faculties of FC and then a Baccalaureate program started in 2005 Later on MBA was also started in the year 2007. According to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan HEC, Forman Christian College lies in the W- category University which is the highest-ranked in higher education in Pakistan.

FC College Lahore Merit List 2025

Till now no date has been released by the official but the expected date of FC College Lahore Merit List 2025 will be released in the coming week because this institute will close admission the previous month. As well as further details are mentioned below.

Pre- Engineering Pre-Medical ICS {Physics} Commerce {I.Com} Arts / Humanities
FC College Lahore Merit List 2020

Intermediate Admission Schedule for Matric Students

E Co-Curricular Trials

Sports Trials (Arts Only)

Will Announce Soon
F  Classes begin  TBD
G Orientation:


Pre-Medical and pre-engineering

Computer Science, ICOM, and Arts



Intermediate Admission Schedule for O-Level Students

A Forms available on the College website —-
B Last date of form submission —-
C Merit list displayed —-
D Payment of dues —-
E Classes begin —-

Here is the complete detail for the FC College Lahore Merit List is available here program which clearly mentions on which date the Merit List will be uploaded and what program so have a look and then come to that date to see the FC College Lahore Merit List 2025. These above-given tables clearly mention on what date the merit list will be available on this page so just visit this page according to your program date and easily get the merit lists for the year 2025. Admission to the Forman Christian College FC will be allocated only to those students who clear the entry test taken by FC as the admission is totally on a merit basis and the name of the successful candidates was listed in the FC College Lahore Merit List so have a look.






  1. Sir I took the test for admission in m.phill English Fall 2014-15 but I don’t know whether I have qualified for interview or tracking I’d is 163070.kindly help me.

  2. your fees are so high that it will be only afforded by the high class families .plz lower your fee dues that a student belong to a middle or lower class will able to apply for admission

  3. My GOD!!!
    your fee and dues are too much high for the middle class students.Please for GOD sake lessen your feeses and dues and students will be able to get admission in your college.THANK YOU!!!!!

  4. your fee is too too too much high but your merit so low.So please ponder over the fee structure as it is out of bound for middle class students.

  5. Sir,
    I’m a student of a Tameer-i-Nau model school, Quetta, Pakistan. I’ve attended my metric exams and waiting for the results for arrive.
    Kindly can i know what is the merit for Pre-Medical and what are the hostel dues?


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