It is the Federal Board Matric 10th Class Supply Result 2025 which is announced by the officials. So all those students who have appeared in the Matric Supply Exams could able to get their results from this page as soon as the official declares it. So, students, there is no need to go anywhere else. So stay in touch with this page if you want to get your accurate, official, and timely result because no other source will provide you with such an official result before this page as is the fastest-growing educational website in Pakistan. Matric is a very important class for students as after getting the passing certificate of the Matric class, the students will enter college which is a dream of Every student in Pakistan. So, if you want to check your result at the time, then scroll down. We will give you the best information from all boards of Pakistan.
Federal Board Matric Class Supply Result 2025
Federal Board 10th Class Supply Result 2025 is yet not announced by the official but if any update is received then we will mention it on this page. The expected date of the result is the last week of October 2025. As well as the link mentioned and when the result will be issued then candidates can easily check their results.
Click Here
In every city, all the colleges and schools that are in the cantonment areas are under the supervision of the federal board so the total responsibility to conduct exams from all these boards is on the Federal Board. The Head Office of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education is in the capital of Pakistan Islamabad from where this body regulates all the rules and regulations. Every year thousands and thousands of students appear in the annual and supplementary examination held under the Federal Board and then after the checking paper, this body announces the result that is mostly error-free Federal Board 10th Class Supplementary Result 2025.
Other Board:
You can easily check your result by just entering roll no. in the preferred area. So now the wait is over for the result as the Supply exams were held in the month of September and now it is announced. So, check the result here without any difficulty by roll number.
I think
When is going to announce federal board the result of 10th class suppelementary 2015.thanks