Now you can check the PEC EPE Result 2025 Engineering Practice 22nd Examination and all information for the engineers is available here on our site. All interested engineers fulfilling the criteria given by PEC may apply on the prescribed form available on the PEC website The fee charges of Rs. 5000/- attested copies of valid CNIC also require a PEC registration certificate, domicile, experience certificate, and two recent passport-size photographs attested on the backside. The applications complete in all respects should reach the given address on our site by the given date. The application form, examination format, EPE curriculum, study material, and necessary guidelines are available on the PEC website You can visit and can get all the information regarding PEC EPE Result 2025 from there. We have also provided all the information about the Pakistan Engineering Council’s 22nd engineering practice.
PEC EPE Result 2025 Engineering Practice 22nd Examination
After clicking on this link, you will reach the official site of PEC where the PEC EPE Result Engineering Practice 22nd Examination will be available when issued. While no confirmation date has been issued by the official the expected result announcement is in the coming November. If this result date is not authentic when the date is issued then we will share it on this page for the facilitation of the students who have applied.
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Examination Cities
- Islamabad
- Peshawar
- Lahore
- Quetta
- Karachi
All those engineers who have registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council since 2005 and thereafter, have professional experience of five years from the date of registration, whether they are working privately or in the employment of the engineering public organization, and also acquired 13.0-CPD (Credit Points) are eligible to apply for this Pakistan Engineering Council engineers practice from July Onwards. Their examinations will be held in May in the following cities. PEC EPE Result 2025 Engineering Practice 22nd Examination will be available in the month of November.