Pakistan Marine Academy GP 3 Course 2022 is open so download the Admission Application Form For the 41st Batch with all the other required information which may be useful for you. Candidates if you want to become a part of the Pakistan Navy as Merchant Navy then you have to take Admission in this GP iii Course offered by the Pakistan Marine Academy as after completion of this course you would be able and also eligible to join Pakistan Navy. Pakistan Marine Academy (PMA) is the only institute in the whole of Pakistan that provides training to the cadets of seafarers. Further, information about Pakistan Marine Academy GP 3 Course 2022 is going to be listed below.
Pakistan Marine Academy GP 3 Course 2022
After the completion of the GP3 course, you can join the Pakistan navy as Merchant Navy where you can get an attractive salary package and also can get a chance to seek the world. In addition, after applying people can check the Pakistan Marine Academy Merit List 2022.
Eligibility Criteria:
All the Pakistani candidates who have completed their matric class or equivalent to that and candidates should also be physically perfect.
The age of the candidates should not be more than 18 years
Pakistan Marine Academy GP iii Admission Form 2022:
The admission application form along with the prospectus is available in the entry office. The application form is also available down on this page so there is no need to go anywhere else just click on the link below and download the Pakistan Marine Academy GP 3 Course 2022 Admission Form 41st Batch down here.
This is an old advertisement while when admission will open then we will share a new advertisement.
Pakistan Marine Academy Fees
Officially, the management of Pakistan marine academy has not issued the final fee for this course as well if you want necessary then you can contact academy management and get more info about the fee.
Pakistan Marine Last Date to Apply 2022
The last date of the Pakistan Marine academy does not issue by the administration as well if they announce the last date of the admission or registration then we will update this page. Moreover, when they will announce their admission they issue the advertisement in the newspaper and official page.
This academy also acts as a regional branch of World Maritime University Malmo Sweden. PMA came into existence in the year 1962 in Chittagong but later was moved to East Pakistan as the first batch of this academy in Pakistan are of 41 cadets and till now there are thousands of cadets are being trained through Pakistan Marine Academy. Well candidates you are not here for this discussion but for the Pakistan Marine Academy GP iii Course 2022 admission process and download form so for this, you have to go through the whole article as down on this page you will get complete information on all of your unanswered questions rising in your mind for Pakistan Marine Academy Merit List 2022.
Complete admission form along with the matric result card and attested copies of CNIC should be sent to the Pakistan Marine Academy but remember that the last date to submit the form is 25th June 2022 and your form should be received by the officials before that date.