
1st Year Chemistry Chapter 8 Reaction Kinetics MCQs

If your search is to get the 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 8 Reaction Kinetics MCQs with Answers then you are on the right site. This chapter is about the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that affect the rates of a chemical reaction. Chemical Reactions are of three types i.e. Very fast reaction, very slow reaction, and moderately slow reaction. Then there is the concept of the rate of the reaction which is the change in concentration of the substance divided by the time taken for the change. An important concept is the Energy of Activation, catalysts, and determination of the Rate of Reaction. So, here below, you can check the important Multiple Choice Questions that are important for the Entrance Test. Solve the quiz given below that will help you prepare for the entry test.

1st Year Chemistry Chapter 8 Reaction Kinetics MCQs with Answers


Chemistry Chapter 8

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Collision theory explains:

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The half-life period for the reaction

2N2 O5 ⇌ 2N2 O4 + O2 is 24 minutes at 45°C. What will be the amount of N2 O5 left behind after 96 minutes? When 10 g is starting amount.

3 / 20

For the reaction, 2NO + Br2 ---> 2NOBr, the proposed mechanism is:

NO + Br2 ⇌ NOBr2 (slow)
NOBr2 + NO ⇌ 2NOBr

The rate law for this reaction is:

4 / 20

The unit of the rate constant is the same as the of rate of reaction is:

5 / 20

Rate = K[A]2 [B] for the reaction 2A + B ---> Product and ‘A’ is present is large excess, then order or reaction is:

6 / 20

The rate of reaction between two specific time intervals is called:

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In a multistep reaction, the slowest step is:

8 / 20

If the rate of decay of radioactive isotope decreases from 200 cpm to 25 cpm after 24 hours. What is its half-life:

9 / 20

The unit of rate constant ‘K’ for a first-order reaction:

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Which is not a characteristic of a catalyst?

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Which of the equation is used to determine activation energy?

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Which statement is correct?

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Which statement is correct about the order of reaction?

14 / 20

Which of the following effect a specific rate constant?

15 / 20

In which of the following techniques, the rate of reaction is directly related to number of ions

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Unit of the rate of reaction                 

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Which of the following factors affect the rate of reaction?

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Reaction kinetics deals with

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The slope of the Arrhenius equation can be represented as:

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The order of reaction can be measured by:

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