
2nd Year Physics Chapter 20 MCQs

On this site, you are getting the 2nd Year Physics Chapter 20 MCQs with Answer Atomic Spectra. In this chapter, the wavelengths and intensities of electromagnetic radiation are discussed. There are different postulates of Hydrogen that are described by Bohr. De-Broglie interpreted Bohr’s orbits. Then there is the concept of the excitation and ionization potentials. There is uncertainty regarding the position of electrons in the atom. There are X-rays and their production, properties, and uses are very important. One of the most important concepts is the Laser Principle. There are several applications of laser including holography that are very useful. Now check the important MCQs of this chapter given below that are important for the Entrance test preparation.

2nd Year Physics Chapter 20 MCQs with Answer Atomic Spectra


Physics Chapter 20

1 / 20

If an electron jumps from lower to higher orbit it will

2 / 20

If the ionization energy of a hydrogen atom is 13.6eV, the ionization

3 / 20

In 1913, a modern tube for the production of X-rays was designed by

4 / 20

In the state n=∞ of the hydrogen atom, the total energy of the electron is

5 / 20

k-series of characteristic X-rays are produced when all the transitions of inner-shell electrons terminate on

6 / 20

Laser light is

7 / 20

Paschen series lies in the

8 / 20

The energy in electron volt necessary to remove the most loosely bound electron from the neutral atom is known as

9 / 20

The energy of hydrogen atom in the ground state is

10 / 20

The energy of the 4th orbit in a hydrogen atom is

11 / 20

The magnitude of Rydberg constant is

12 / 20

The potential required to remove an electron from the atom is called

13 / 20

The radius of the third Bohr orbit in a hydrogen atom is greater than the radius of the first orbit by a factor of

14 / 20

The simplest spectrum is that of

15 / 20

The total energy of an electron in an orbit around the nucleus is the sum of

16 / 20

When an electron absorbs energy, it jumps to

17 / 20

Which one of the following various series of hydrogen spectrum lies in the visible region?

18 / 20

Which one of the following various series of hydrogen spectrum lies in the ultraviolet region?

19 / 20

X-rays are similar in nature to

20 / 20

A laser is a device that can produce

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