
Biology Bioenergetics MCQs With Answers

Here you are on the right site to get Biology Bioenergetics MCQs With Answers. The bioenergetics chapter comprises the photosynthesis and cellular respiration systems. Through solving these Bioenergetics MCQs students will become able to describe the photosynthetic pigments like Carotenoids and Chlorophyll, cyclic and non-cyclic phosphorylation and Calvin Cycle. Students will also learn the concept of absorption and spectra action through these Bioenergetics MCQs with Answers Pdf. These Bioenergetics MCQs are prepared according to the MDCAT test point of view and students can solve MCQs related to respiration at the cellular level, glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, and electron transport chain, ATP, FADH and NADH. Alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation will also be covered in this chapter. Multiple choice questions on bioenergetics with answers pdf are available for students who want to test their MDCAT test preparation before appearing in medical and dental college entry tests.

Biology Bioenergetics MCQs With Answers


Biology Chapter Bioenergetics

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1. During light reaction, the active chlorophyll forms are:

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2. An unstable 6-C compound in dark reaction splits into:

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3. NADHH+ and FAD+ collectively yield:

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4. Haeme portion of haemoglobin contains:

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5. Chlorophyll a in photosystem I absorb red peaks at:

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6. Wavelengths that are least absorbed by chlorophyll are:

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7. Each chemical reaction in cellular respiration requires:

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8. Chlorophyll b is found along with chlorophyll n in all green plants and:

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9. During respiration, conversion of energy is mainly in the form of:

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10. More familiarly respiration or external respiration means:

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11. How many molecules of reduced NADP are required to produce one G3P?

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12. Carbon dioxide enters the leaves through:

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13. The carbohydrate produced directly from the Calvin cycle is:

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14. The wavelength of visible light longer than:

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15. Which is not photosynthetic?

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16. Which process needs oxygen?

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17. ATP produced in one Calvin cycle is/are:

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18. The net product of non-cyclic electron flow in photosynthesis is:

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19. Heterotroph gets energy from:

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20. Chlorophyll absorbs light energy, which is converted into chemical energy of:

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