
1st Year Physics Chapter 6 MCQs with Answers Fluid Dynamics

Get the important Entrance test 1st Year Physics Chapter 6 MCQs with Answers Fluid Dynamics here. This chapter is about the study of fluids. So, the first topic is the drag force that an object experiences while moving through a fluid and there is Stoke’s law says this force is directly proportional to the velocity. Fluids can show two types of motions when they flow in the pipes i.e. streamline and turbulent flow. Next is the Equation of Continuity which is very important here. Bernoulli’s Equation is very important if we talk about the fundamental equations in fluid dynamics. It has many applications in real life. Torricelli’s Theorem, the relation between speed and pressure in the fluid, Venturi Relation, and in the Blood flow, Bernoulli’s Equation has many applications. So, this is a brief introduction to this chapter. Now, let’s check the quiz that is given below and now start the quiz to prepare for the entrance test.

1st Year Physics Chapter 6 MCQs with Answers Fluid Dynamics


Physics Chapter 6

1 / 20

Stokes law is applicable if body has __________ shape.

2 / 20

In cricket when a bowler produces a reverse swing, the ball will move towards_____.

3 / 20

A Venturi meter is used to measure.

4 / 20

Bernoulli’s equation is obtained by applying the law of conservation of____.

5 / 20

Two fog droplets have a radius of 2:3, and their terminal velocities are.

6 / 20

For which position, maximum blood pressure in the body has the smallest value?

7 / 20

A man standing near a fast-moving train may fall.

8 / 20

The concentration of red cells in blood is about.

9 / 20

Blood vessels are.

10 / 20

Speed of efflux can be determined by applying.

11 / 20

The velocity of fluid increases where the pressure is.

12 / 20

The equation of continuity is obtained by applying the law of conservation of _____.

13 / 20

According to equation of continuity, A1V1 = A2V2 = constant. The constant is equal to.

14 / 20

The flow of ideal fluid is always.

15 / 20

Terminal velocity of the body is directly proportional to the.

16 / 20

Terminal velocity is given by the equation.

17 / 20

When a body moves with terminal velocity the acceleration in the body becomes.

18 / 20

Terminal velocity is.

19 / 20

The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are.

20 / 20

The coefficient of viscosity of honey is greater than.

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