
Subject Verb Agreement Quiz With Answers for MDCAT

If you are searching for the important Subject Verb Agreement Quiz With Answers for MDCAT then this is the place where you can find them. For the English part of the MDCAT test, subject-verb agreement questions are very important. In the subject-verb agreement, a singular verb is taken by the singular subject. Similarly, the plural verb is taken by a plural verb. These types of questions are very important for the entry test. In the MCQs questions, the questions are given where you have to choose either singular or plural verb. In this regard, the subject matters the most. You have to carefully select the true verb. Here we have provided some important MCQs. So, if you want to prepare well for the entry test, then these MCQs will help you. Answer the questions and check the answers. Scroll down and get the important MCQs.

Subject Verb Agreement Quiz With Answers for MDCAT


English Subject-Verb Agreement MCQs

1 / 15

1. Choose Correct:

2 / 15

2. Choose Correct:

3 / 15

3. Choose Correct:

4 / 15

4. Choose Correct:

5 / 15

5. Choose Correct:

6 / 15

6. Choose Correct:

7 / 15

7. Choose Correct:

8 / 15

8. Choose Correct:

9 / 15

9. Choose Correct:

10 / 15

10. Choose Correct:

11 / 15

11. Choose Correct:

12 / 15

12. Choose Correct:

13 / 15

13. Choose Correct:

14 / 15

14. Choose Correct:

15 / 15

15. Choose Correct:

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