If you are looking for Abbottabad University Of Science And Technology Admission 2025 then you are on the right page. Here you will be able to check all about the Fall admissions and will be able to apply online for it. It is currently offering BS (4 years), Master, and M.Phil. So, if you have also completed your previous education and meet the eligibility criteria, then apply now through this page. The Abbottabad University of Science and Technology came into existence at KPK with a mission to provide the best education to students. It offers several programs every year and a big crowd of students applies for them. The university has brilliant teachers that help to improve the quality of education every year. It gives the student a better future and also guides them for the challenges. Now, the registration is started. Those who want to apply for it have this post to check. Have a look down for it.
Abbottabad University Of Science And Technology Admission 2025
Abbottabad University of Sciences and Technology admission 2025 has been announced by the official and those people who were waiting now can apply before the last date that is mentioned below. On the other hand, the entry test date and interview schedule are mentioned below in the table.
Programs Offered at AUST
The admissions are open in BS (4 years), Masters, and M.Phil programs given in the advertisement.
Abbottabad University Admission 2025 Last Date
Right now the last date to apply online has yet not been issued by the administration as well all those people who are interested now will apply soon before the due date.
Last Date to Apply Online | Update Soon |
BS & Master Programs Schedule
Last Date of Admission Form Submission | Update Soon |
Display of 1st Merit List | Update Soon |
Interview / Deposit Slip of Fee | Update Soon |
Commencement of Classes | Update Soon |
M.Phil Programs Admission Schedule
Entry Test for M.Phil programs | Update Soon |
Entry Test for Pharm D | Yet Not Declare |
Interview / Fee deposit | Update Soon |
Display of Merit List | Update Soon |
Start of the New Session | Update Soon |
Eligibility Criteria for Admission
- For BS programs, the candidate must have completed Intermediate with at least 2nd division and the age limit is 25 years.
- For Master’s programs, the candidates must have completed BA/BSc with at least 2nd division and the age limit is 30 years.
- The candidates who have completed BS or MSc (4 years) with a minimum CGPA of 2.5/4.0 or at least 2nd division are eligible. The age limit is 45 years.
Abbottabad University Admission Form
- Collect the admission forms from NBP (AUST Branch, Main Branch Abbottabad, and Main Branch Haripur).
- In order to download the online form, visit www.aust.edu.pk. Form fee is Rs.1000 for BS/Master programs and Rs.1500 for M.Phil programs.
- Deposit the form fee online in NBP AUST Branch account no.2240-4139312551.
- The admission processing fee for Pharm D is Rs.500 and can be deposited online at NBP AUST Branch Acc. 2240-3139841990.
- Now fill out the form completely and attach the deposit slip with the form and submit it before the last date.
- Incomplete or late applications will not be processed.
Scholarships Offered at AUST
It offers different scholarships to students every year. These scholarships are given on the basis of the performance and needs of the students. The scholarships offered at AUST include HEC Need Based, Ehsaas, WWB, Pakistan Bait-ul-mall, and Mora (for minorities). There are also seats for FATA students and Afghan Refugee students.
So, the admissions are open in AUST. If you have also completed your previous studies and meet the eligibility criteria, then it’s a good chance for you to apply. It provides the best education to the students which is the reason, every year a huge crowd of students applies for it. So, the main purpose of this post is to give you all the info so that you can understand the complete procedure easily. So, this was all about Abbottabad University Of Science And Technology Admission 2025. Hopefully, you are confident about the post. Stay connected with us for more updates.