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PEC Recognized Engineering Universities in Pakistan 2025

Are you looking for PEC Recognized Engineering Universities in Pakistan 2025 then here is your answer, PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council) has completed the full check and balance in registration and the amendments in the rules for the Engineering Universities in Pakistan. This council’s main motive is to give students of Pakistan a quality education in Engineering. as Engineering is a profession for any country that can make the country progressive and strong economically and socially. PEC’s main function is the registration of engineers, consulting engineers, Accreditation of engineers, and managing the continuing professional development. This council was established on January 10, 1976, and the Karachi branch office is operating for quality education since 23rd June 1988. Further details about Engineering Universities Recognized by PEC in Pakistan are listed below.

PEC Recognized Engineering Universities in Pakistan 2025

Here down is the complete list of Pakistan Engineering Council PEC Recognized Engineering Universities in Pakistan 2025 in Pakistan so that this list helps those students who want to take Admission to Engineering Universities of Pakistan in knowing whether this University is recognized or not. So before going to any University first see this list is the name of the University is on the list or not.

PEC Recognized Engineering Universities in Pakistan 2020

Engineering Universities in Pakistan ISLAMABAD

  1. Air University, Islamabad.
  2. Abasyn University, Peshawar (Islamabad Campus).
  3. Bahria University, Islamabad (Main Campus).
  4. Center for Advanced Study in Engineering, Islamabad (University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila).
  5. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad (Main Campus).
  6. Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science, and Technology, Islamabad (Main Campus).
  7. Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Islamabad Campus (Hamdard University, Karachi).
  8. Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad.
  9. National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad – Institute of Civil Engineering, Islamabad.
  10. International Islamic University, Islamabad.
  11. Islamic International Engineering College, Islamabad (Riphah International University, Islamabad).
  12. Iqra University, Islamabad Campus (Iqra University, Karachi).
  13. The Capital University of Science and Technology Islamabad [ Formally Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad Campus (Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi)].
  14. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad (Main Campus).
  15. National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad – School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Islamabad.
  16. National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad – Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Islamabad.
  17. National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad (Main Campus).
  18. National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad School of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Islamabad.
  19. Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Islamabad.
  20. National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad – School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Islamabad.
  21. The University of Lahore, Lahore (Islamabad Campus).
  22. National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad – Institute of Geographical Information Systems, Islamabad.

Engineering Universities in Provinces of Pakistan

All engineering universities that exist in Punjab, Sindh, KPK, and Balochistan are now available below. Just click on the below link and then details regarding PEC-recognized universities will show on your screen.

Best Engineering Universities in Punjab Best Engineering Universities in Sindh
Best Engineering Universities in KPK   Engineering Universities in Balochistan

Also Check:

Software Engineering Universities   Civil Engineering Universities

That is the complete list of PEC Recognized Engineering Universities in Pakistan 2025 in all the provinces of Pakistan including Azad Jammu Kashmir too. If you have any other query related to this topic or want to ask us something then you are most welcome and comment down in the comment section your query and we will try our best to give you a reply to that query.


  1. Balochistan university of information technology, engineering and management science (BUITEMS) civil Engineering is recognized by PEC or not….plz reply me?

  2. Is Mirpur university of science and technology civil depertment are rechnoized from PEC or not. Waiting for reply

  3. Sir m n dae electrical kia va h. 1st nd 3rd year pass hain.lakin 2nd year rslt waiting p h. Kya m 2nd year rslt waiting p nat apply kr skta hun ka lia. Plz help

  4. Sir plz tell me why university clg of engg. And technology university of sargoda are not in list of 2015 that pec issue

  5. Sir is hamdard universtyy islamabad is recgnizn in pec in next year and elictrical power will come on next years……..

  6. DEAR sir…. kindly ap bs.softwear eng or softwear eng mai farak bta dain…. or kya uni of south asia achii uni hai ?? kya ye pec say recognizd hai?? ans meee soooon plzzzzzzzz

  7. Aslaam o aleakum,
    Sir plz tell me how many universities in Pakistan who offer Bsc Mechanical on the base of DAE(Diploma of Associate Engineer)……………….

  8. sir i have obtained the 58% marks in i want to do the bsc in mechanical give me suggestion in which university i take addmision in karachi, plz give me suggestion.

  9. why not mention the name of university of south Asia lahore in your list.tell me the reason .tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me………………

  10. Hi sir I would like to take admission in Indus University of higher education. Plz tell me that this is registered with PEC or not. If I take admission in this University in engineering. Plz inform me

  11. Please intimate that whose university is availlable for BS (Houner) in civil technologhy. I am awaiting for your kind response

  12. Sir. please tell me whose univiristy,s are availible for B.S
    (hounor)in civil technology and recognized by the P.E.C.
    waitying ur reply.

  13. hii…what about abasyn university peshwar campus??what about numl uni islamabad??is its degree of bsse is recognized?

  14. GCT Lhr started BSC Technology Mechanical, and GCT AFFILATED with UET lhr.I hope it degree approvad by Pec before completion.

  15. comsats wah recently started civil eng. this will b the first sem. but hopefully recog before completion of first batch

  16. BE Electronics engineering in Iqra (Islamabad campus) is recognized with PEC? or the students in Islamabad campus can be provided degree from Karachi campus?

  17. Respected sir,PEC has visit university college of engg. & tech. on 26,27th sep. to intake electrical engg. batch 2007. i want to know that when will PEC announce about accridition


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