University of Health Sciences UHS Professional BDS Supplementary Date Sheet 2016-2017 Exams Center Download has been declared along with the list of exams center. You can download UHS BDS supplementary date sheet form this page. So if you are among those students who appeared in UHS final BDS exams but got supply in any of the subject but now expecting to be appearing in the second annual examination are suggested and advised that there are very few days are left behind in beginning of your exams so you must make your preparation well and then appear in the exams with full confidence exactly according to the date schedule that is mentioned in the date sheet shown below. You all are suggested to must prepare well because the question is about your career that is incomplete without the degree of BDS that is not possible to be in your hands without passing in all the subjects. More over those students who will obtain good marks in these exams will be more preferable then of that is obtaining less marks and aggregates in results. So must appear in your exams according to the dates and examination center mentioned in the date sheet of UHS BDS supplementary.
UHS Professional BDS Supplementary Date Sheet 2016-2017 Exams Center Download
UHS BDS Supplementary Date Sheet 2016-2017
You may click on the date sheet you want to download. By clicking on it will be expand in new window that you can right click and then save this image in your computer.
University of Health Sciences UHS conduct the final professional BDS exams in the month of December start from 30th December and ends on 11th January, 2017 while the first professional BDS supplementary examination 2016-2017 start from December and ends on January while the second professional examination of BDS supplementary are starting from December and ends on 22nd January, 2017. So, all of you are suggested that you must download UHS BDS date sheet 2016-2107 so that you can appear in your paper on the date and time. More over you also have to select the exams center that will also be intimated you in the roll number lisp that you will also get from the officials of the website of the UHS.