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ETEA KMU Medical Entry Test Result 2025

Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency ETEA KMU medical entry test page. All those candidates who have appeared in the ETEA medical entry test for admission to the Medical and Dental Colleges of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa can check their entry test results from this page. ETEA is the testing agency that conducted an entry test yesterday in three different cities that are Peshawar, Abbottabad, and Swat. In Peshawar, there was two examination center that is Peshawar University Cricket Ground, Opposite to IRNUM Hospital and Islamia Collegiate Hockey Ground. In Abbottabad and Swat, there is one center that is Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, Grassy Ground, Swat. ETEA conducts this combined medical admission test for all KPK candidates. Candidates who have done FSc pre-medical or equivalence qualifications can attempt this entry test. The result card of this test will be attached to your admission form when you will go for MBBS or BDS admission in any private or public medical college collating in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KPK) province.

ETEA KMU Medical Entry Test Result 2025

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As soon as, you just have to stay in tune with this page because as soon as the ETEA KMU medical entry test result 2025 is announced will be uploaded here. Keep on reading this article to get all the details from this page because here we are just alert for you to provide the best remarks and up-to-date information about your test.


ETEA KMU Medical Entry Test Result 2020

The entry test taken by the ETEA from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa includes students from FATA, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab, Baluchistan, and Sindh. It is officially announced that the result of the ETEA KMU entry test will be announced on September or October 2025 at 10: 10 AM, so students if you want to get your result online then you have to stay in touch with this page. This page will provide you the officially announced result. Khyber Medical University and officials of the ETEA together confirmed the news that the ETEA KMU Medical Entry Test Result 2025 will be announced soon.

ETEA Medical Entrance Test Result

Khyber Medical University and the ETEA are providing extra features to the candidates who appear in the  ETEA KMU medical entry test 2025 that is SMS so students can get an SMS that is about their outcomes from the officials and for this a special software is designed by the IT Department of KMU. According to the official record, there were a lot of candidates who appeared in the medical entry test from Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, and some candidates who appeared on Grassy Ground Saidu Sharif Swat for admission in medical and dental colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

There were male candidates and female candidates who want to take Admission in the medical and dental colleges of the KPK and appeared in the Medical Entry Test. The Vice-Chancellor of KMU was also present in the examination center for the transparent mode of the entry test. Now the time has come when candidates can get their ETEA KMU Medical Entry Test Result 2025 from this page so stay in touch with this page in order to stay up to date.


  1. Good Evening Sir!
    With respected that’ if a student is any other province, so he can attempt ETEA Entry Test in KPK or not ….?

  2. sir, could you plz tell me how many students students appeared in etea test from ajk HATTIAN BALA district and hoe many pass the test???? highest and lowest???????

    1. sir mary eata engineering test may 108 maks ha kia muje self finance pay admission mal sakhta ha plz reply me must ………

  3. sir please please muje bataen k mera agregate 70 percnt hai to mbbs k lie koi chance hai or me form jama karwaun ,,please zarur bataen i am waiting ,, thanks ..

    1. sir mary eata engineering test may 108 maks ha kia muje self finance pay admission mal sakhta ha plz reply me must ………

  4. sir pleas till me about any surity to my admission in any medical college in kpk for mbbs. my etea score is 501 and 875

  5. assalam alaikm my aggregate is 67.3 is there is any chance of getting admission at mdcl clg ???? plz inform me at my mail

  6. sir moin plz tell me how many seats are there in medical clleges of KPK for gilgit baltistan and how many marks are required????

  7. plz check my result roll numb 16362 and also inform the merit of getting admission in ayub medical college or Peshawar Khyber university….

  8. plz tell me k mere marks ke sath
    no domicile , no subjects kyo likha hoa ha. my roll no is 12823. mera domicile punjab ka bna hoa ha

    1. Author

      Roll No :
      Student Name : IMAD ALI
      Father Name : HIDAYAT UR REHMAN
      Marks Obtained : 115

      Roll No :
      Student Name : MUHAMMAD YAHYA KHAN
      Father Name : PARVEZ KHAN
      Marks Obtained : 362

  9. 17742 sir marksss bata dan plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  10. 1843 plz mere markes dekha do

    Roll No :
    Student Name : SAMINA BIBI
    Marks Obtained : 220

  11. Author

    Dear Students Join Us on FaceBook Page that is


    To get your result….

  12. 01683 its my roll number pplllzzzz tell me my marks…………………………………………………………

    1. Author

      Roll No :
      Student Name : MUHAMMAD AWAIS
      Father Name : FIDA MUHAMMAD
      Marks Obtained : 456

      Roll No :
      Student Name : SHEIKH ALLAH NAWAZ
      Father Name : QAYYUM NAWAZ
      Marks Obtained : 103

    1. Author

      Roll No :
      Marks Obtained : 295

  13. Author

    Students LIke this Facebook page and send us your roll number to check your result


  14. punjabe may ak kahawat hain k
    pathan ko samjana aur hathe ko rakshay may betana ak he bath hain
    zalimanoooo lgggg sabar wakae kana …….zama pa kheta haseee hm dard day ao garmae raghastay yama

  15. salam moin akhter!
    the kmu staff announced the 12pm for result now it’s can i see my result.and my F.S c marks are 794

  16. ma pa fsc k 1099 marks aghastal d. aw pa test k ba Inshahallah 750 na siwa akhlam. no rora ta owaya 6 da 6a top ko. za ba e top kum. ta wase ma waya rora 6 ma top karunga,

  17. Kab hona he out ye result kambakhttttttt…… kal s ni soya huuuuu… kuch to Reham kro in masoooooom se students peeeeee…

  18. Author

    Guys.. result is Uploaded.. So First Select your Institute then Enter your Roll number…
    Have Patience it may take time for Loading Page

          1. Author

            Roll No :
            Student Name : KARIM ULLHA KHAN
            Father Name : LATIF ULLAH KHAN
            Marks Obtained : 255

          2. Author

            Roll No :
            Student Name : SAMINA BIBI
            Father Name : GHULAM RASOOL SADIQ
            Marks Obtained : 220

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